Parents & Family Questions

  1. Anyone who is able to help me with this ordeal here ?
  2. Why does my family keep treating me bad?
  3. I think my sister and female relatives came to take my place?
  4. Help me with a few life issues.
  5. how can i get my parents to let me go places without them im 14
  6. Is it true that I am still under my parents' custody even if I'm 18 because I am still in high school?
  7. How old do I look?!?Today my friend said I look like a mom
  8. Funny enough I got Portland Oregon, which is a 5 minute walk from my house haha
  9. how to stop hating myself and live at least a normal life? I need help.
  10. How can i ask my parents to bring me to a orhodontist
  11. If a child is overweight, do you think the parents are to blame?
  12. I need help with my dad?
  13. My parents are fighting again, mom lost her job... They are fighting because my dad doesn't want to celebrate xmas.
  14. How can I help persuade my parents to allow me to purchase a training sword?
  15. Want a dog, but can't because of sister? What to do?
  16. dad is being a jerk lately, calling siblings and i horrid names...
  17. I'm 13, my parents piss me off and I want to move out. What should I do?
  18. Things are terrible... Please help? I really need to know what to do...
  19. Would you tell him??
  20. Parents fight nonstop... divorce may be in the near future... :(
  21. Mom is really angry lately...
  22. Sister keeps sneaking my laptop at night! IT IS DRIVING ME FRACKING INSANE!
  23. Brother punched me in face. Mom did nothing. Is this abuse?
  24. How can I convince my parent's to let me have visual kei hair cut(japanese punk rock)?
  25. My mom thinks I am seeing boys?
  26. How to deal with a homophobic parent?
  27. Should my parents be involved in my relationship?
  28. So here is what happened:
  29. I swear she hates me....
  30. Family help, sorry it's a long story. Help?
  31. Need help writing a letter to mom?
  32. My dad has locked of contact me because of my partner? whats best way around it
  33. I'm in dire need of a solution!
  34. How to tease my sister?
  35. Looking to locate someone?
  36. Grrr! >.< I hate my sister!
  37. How do I know I want a baby?
  38. My parents act like children and i've already lost a great deal of my childhood because of them
  39. Would you move to a different state where you had no family nor friends?
  40. how do i tell my parents im moving in with my boyfriend?
  41. Is this bag too childish for college?
  42. how can i get my 8 year old little brother to stop mocking and copying everything i say?
  43. How do you feel about a child being taking to foster care for a pot smoking mom?
  44. Question about adopting??
  45. my mum and dad forgot my birthday
  46. how can i stop being sad over this?
  47. My mom hates me!
  48. 17, what can i do?
  49. How do I explain to my parents that I'm moving out?
  50. My mom doesn't want me to go to Peru
  51. Can I move out now since I'm turning 18 July 7th
  52. under georgia law at what age can a teenager move out legally ?
  53. im 17 but i turn 18 in 98 days i want to move out of my parents house. we live in tennessee i was wanting to know if its legal?
  54. How would you react if your secrets were revealed to your family?
  55. How not right is it for someone to blow off their own family member's funeral but go to a funeral for someone they've only meet a few times?
  56. I told my mom i was suicidal- what do I do now?
  57. What do I do with this family situation?
  58. Consequences of taking a child out of state without permission from the other parent?
  59. My dad is so embarrassing and treats me like a child! What should I do?
  60. Ok, I REALLY need revenge! Help?!!? PLEASE!?!?!?!?
  61. What should I do?
  62. Is there any person besides your mother or father who you can trust your secrets
  63. How to convince my mom to let me turn the unused spare bedroom into a closet?
  64. dad and seeing my boobs
  65. How to tell my parents I'm dating an older guy
  66. How do I convince my parents I want to live on my own?
  67. How can I convince my boyfriends mom to let him sleep over?
  68. how do i tell my parents he is 17?
  69. Why does my mom hates me?
  70. how to tell my dad i got an f
  71. How may I go about moving in at fourteen with my grandmother?
  72. how do i tell my dad i broke my phone?
  73. What are the chances of this?
  74. Can't talk to my mother about anything
  75. my mother slapped me
  76. How Can I Convince My Mom To Get My Lip Pierced
  77. Why does my dad yell at me for everything I do wrong?
  78. How do I ask my mom to get a second piercing in my ear?
  79. How do I get my sister to learn how to say 'no'?
  80. 14 pregnant, crazy step mom wants baby, aunt offered for me to move with her
  81. How do I convince my mom to let me move with my dad to Idaho?
  82. How do i convence my parents to let me gauge my ears?
  83. how do i tell my mom and dad my brothers going to be a dad.
  85. what should you do if your parents beat you on the side of the road
  86. my sister gets on my case
  87. What course of action would you take if your son molested both your daughters?
  88. How can I tell my mom that I'm cutting.
  89. what are the traditions at your house for New Years?
  90. Convincing your parents to let you get a tattoo?
  91. how can i make my parents stop spanking me?
  92. How do I convince my sister to make sure her children dont hit me?
  93. what do you do when your mom is gone
  94. how do i get out of my moms house? :(
  95. how to i get my mom to get me a new phone
  96. How can my boyfriend find his biological parents for free?
  97. My parents blame me for everything and I can't take it anymore..
  98. What do I buy my mother?
  99. How do I get my parents divorced?
  100. My parents forbid me from seeing my boyfriend, forever. I don't know what to do!