Would you tell him??

If you were with some bloke but broke up and don’t talk anymore. Month or so down the line you find out you are 15 weeks pregnant. Would you tell him spite conflict and the fact you have already made up your mind to his despise???

Answer #1

If there is a chance that he is the father then he has a right to know. Just because you no longer want him in your life doesn’t mean he shouldn’t be in the child’s life.

Answer #2

well ya he is the dad so he has the right to know like do you want your kid without a father? tell him your pregnant and its his well if it is that dosent mean you have to be with him you know but he has the right to know

Answer #3

I agree with this unless he is an abuser,

Answer #4

Unless he is abusive or anything along those lines then he needs to be informed. He is the father and out of respect he should know.

Answer #5

yea if he is an abuser it might not be the best idea he might try to get full custody of the kid

Answer #6

Yes I would definitely tell him. He is, after all, the child’s father. Later down the road your gonna have to tell the child the same thing.

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