What compels people to believe in God?

why do people, or why do you think that God is real?

Answer #1

There is none so blind as he who will not see…refuses.

Answer #2

semi, I agree with you. There are people who call themselves Christians who do “look down their noses” at those whom they feel are lower than they are. It just shows that they have a lot of work to do on their own souls.

I am not perfect, I know I have much work to do to be a better person, a better Christian, who can love all persons no matter what they look like, what they smell like, what they say, do, or are like. All human beings are Christ’s children. It’s those who choose to follow God that will be in the kingdom.

God gave us all freedom of choice, so if a person chooses not to follow or believe in God, than that means His hands are tied. God will never force people to love HIm, follow Him. That is why Christians try to tell the world about Jesus and His love and His saving grace. We, too, want all peoples in heaven.

I want to thank you for pointing out the fact that I used a threatening attitude towards those who dare to think or believe differently than I. From now on I will adopt a more loving, understanding attitude towards those who don’t believe in God.

Answer #3

nebula you have a HUGE surprise ahead of you! Wow! I would not want to be in your shoes on judgement day.

I pray that you’ll find God before it’s 2 late 4 U.

Answer #4

Whhooaaa… Looks like orion had her first LSD trip…

Most people justify their faith and evidence in God, in things they find irreducibly complex. The Earth, life, the universe. Little do they know these things all have rational explanations. Just like when ancients and ealry humans used Gods to explain natruel things they didn’t understand or were dependant on, and worshipped nature. And yeah, what they were taught etc.

And of course the Bible “The Word of God..written around 2,000 years ago, full of contradictions, scientific error, and nonsense. You would think God would know these things before scientist discovered them. It’s less reliable than a story made up by a group drunk guys.

Feelings and Experiences have evidence of it only being Psychological. People who experience specific feelings they associate with God or other spiritual beings are probably valid in that they did feel something. However people of all faiths and practices feel things and this is evidence more of it being a psychological condition and interpretation rather than an authentic supernatural experience.

There is tangible evidence that God is just all in our heads, through evolution, as religion and gods were developed as a self-policing mechanism for cooperation.

Answer #5


The Bible does not say the wicked will be “chewed alive by deamons in hell” that is a lie from Satan himself. Nor does the lost burn in hell for eternity; another lie from Satan. Nope, but the Lord does say many times that the wicked will be “destroyed” in the Lake of Fire.

Our God is a just God. He does not want to destroy anybody, but sin cannot live with God and the saved in heaven. God’s purity and brightness will instantly destroy the wicked at His appearing.

Nobody wants to see anybody thrown into the Lake of Fire, but it will happen. It is called “God’s strange act.”

Heaven will be a place of pure joy. No more pain or death or temptations from Satan! Jesus will be there and we can go right up to Him and be with Him. So, do you really believe that those in heaven can see those in the Lake of Fire? No they cannot, nor can the wicked see the saints in heaven.

I hope this clearifys this

Answer #6

My hat’s off to you Nebula. And the answer to the question: What compels people to believe in God? Two words. Fear and ignorance. Let’s both keep our fingers crossed Orion doesn’t breed.

Answer #7

When I was just five years old my family and I were changing from our church clothes into our everyday clothes. I had all these questions going thru my head: ‘is God real’ ‘how come I can’t hear Him talking to me’ ‘where does God live’ and how long has God lived’ Then I started thinking about all the past generations that has ever been on earth and wondered what was before Adam and Eve. I knew God was because He made us all and I knew the angels were too. My mind kept going back to ‘where is the beginning God?’

As I was in deep thought I felt a presence in my room and I fell back on my bed and at once my ceiling became a movie (I was invision). God softly talked to me explaining how it all started down thru the time of the end of the world. It was an amazing movie that God shared with me!

From that point on I knew beyond a shadow of a doubt that our Father, our Creator lives! And that He loves each one of us enough to send Jesus Christ to show us the way.

I will pray for you to have an experience with God, but you need to have a sincere heart first. Get on your knees and pray honestly to Him, asking for Him to forgive your sins and asking Him to change you and live with you, for Him to be your Saviour. God hears ALL SINCERE PRAYERS. May the Lord bless you.

Answer #8

Wow, you MUST be delusional. There are PLENTY of reasons not to believe in God..

“”Gods are fragile things; they may be killed by a whiff of science or a dose of common sense.””

Answer #9

I love this verse in the bible , man can not come to GOD unless he call him, the lord knows who are his and he will protect them, the bible also says there is time for every thing, so those who are his will come to him but he ask as to call them always and he will touch them through the spirit. let us continue to call them , john 17 jesus pray for us all

Answer #10

Orion, silverwings, amblessed and others are talking about a relationship, not about fear or ignorance. I believe in my husband, because I know him. Similarly (although not quite the same), Christians writing here believe in God because they know Him. They’re not claiming to have an exclusive relationship which is denied to others, so there’s no boasting or superiority - the opportunity is available to anyone.

Answer #11

Well orion let me say, what makes you so special that God decided to show himself to you? Out of all people. And how do you know it wasn’t Allah, or Zeus?

Sounds like you spent to much time thinking about it and had an hallucination caused by a region of the brain found by scientist named “‘God Module’”, that when stimulated creates hallucinations that are interpreted as spiritual and paranormal experiences as they can give feelings such as a presence in the room including visits from angels or Gods, that one strongly believs in.

And I’m not making this up. I got it from here. http://atheistempire.com/reference/brain/index.html

Answer #12

“I would not want to be in your shoes on judgement day.”

I used to look at paintings in the Middle Ages that would show the “saved” sitting at a table in heaven with Jesus, looking down on “the damned” being chewed alive by demons in hell. And they’d have a look on their face like, “must suck to be them”. And I used to think, well at least modern Christians don’t think that way anymore.

Guess I was wrong.

Answer #13


You’re completely missing the point. Many christians often take an attitude of “well it will really suck to be you in judgement day” toward others that makes a person wonder just how compassionate they really are. Pascal’s Wager, though flawed and refuted several times, is still an arguement used by Christians today. When I was a Bible-believing Christian, one of the things that really disturbed me was what a careless attitude many Christians had about nonbelievers eternal destination. Back then, I didn’t see how Christians could live with themselves. Now that I’m agnostic, it doesn’t disturb me so much as amuse me that Christians say such things.

Answer #14

I agree with Amblessed, God does manifest himself in our spirits, after we come to him. He calls this the down payment… of what is to come.

His spirit bears witness with our spirit that we are the children of God.

He leads us by that same spirit. He communes with us thru that spirit.

When Jesus went back to the Father, he sent the Holy Spirit. The third part of the God head.

He said is we would seek him, he would come in and commune with us.

And he does.

The good news is that this same spirit is available, for whosoever will…

come to him, repent of their sins, and seek him.

Answer #15

nebula, God did not show Himself to me, He showed me a “movie” (a vision). And a pretty good vision if I don’t say so myself.

There is only ONE God, not allah or any other false god. Our Creator, our Father, our God is real and His promises are real. Just because you refuse to believe in God, and that you have no faith in Him, doesn’t mean it isn’t true.

The vision I had was from the Lord, not from this “God Module” that you speak of. From my perspective this “God Module” is just an excuse for atheists not to believe in God. Ah! And look at that website address: “atheistempire” now how did I know! LOL!

Good luck with that.. . .

Answer #16

I don’t believe in the bible or any other scripture but I believe in God. After you’ve almost died a few times maybe it will sink in. Life is to ironic to be godless for me. The minute you stop asking him for something to get better and learn to accept he takes it away. That’s just for me though. Everyone’s relationship with God is different because everyone needs different things. Life contains an author’s irony for everyone though.

Answer #17

I don’t think, I know, He’s taken up residence in my heart - seek and you too will find…Take care !!

Answer #18

The Holy Sprit here on Earth today! Start by reading Romans 10:13 and ask if there is a God that he speak to your heart.

Answer #19

BECAUSE HE IS REAL!!! and if don’t pray to him and believe that jesus was your savor then you will go to hell!!!

Answer #20

jesus need( not want) everyone in the kingdom of god.come now and joing us .

Answer #21

The bible says that man can not come to God, unless the spirit draws him, I am of the mind that if one is interested in the things of God, that the Holy Spirit is drawing them to the savior.

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