Answer #1

I don’t know too much about it but this is what mandyloo said in her own words:

“The zodiac signs have not changed. An astrologist has suggested a change..but it hasnt gone into affect and it doesnt look like it will.”

So I’m taking her word for it. I’m still gonna be my old sign either way.

Answer #2

I’m still going to be a pisces.

Answer #3

I don’t know a lot on the change, but now everyone I know is is an absolute whack sign. Caring, sensitive people have been moved from Cancer to Gemini, Ambitious Capricorns have been moved to Sagittarius! Like, WTF! None of it makes sense anymore. I’m not a happy chappy! Lol. I don’t think anyone is going to embrace the change.

Answer #4

I know right? I went from “flighty and unpredictable” to “earthly and grounded”. And those poor Ophiuchusans.

Answer #5

So I guess me and my twin brother are now both Taurus? Wow that sucks! Since we are twins and we were coincidentally born in May, we were Gemini. And Gemini is basically 2 twins. I hope this is all a lie or mistake of some sort and these changes will not apply.

Answer #6

The signs don’t change, it’s the position of your birth date. Every 2000 years there is a change in earth, the zodiac signs move, either forward or backwards, I don’t know which, to give certain days another position. Not all the dates move into another signs only a few. Google it, it should explain this phanominum.

Answer #7

They weren’t changed. There are no new dates for the zodiac signs, nor is there a new zodiac sign. Nothing has changed.

Some astrologist wants to add another zodiac sign called “Ophiuchus” and change the rest of the dates (move the dates closer together) to make room for the new one. Everyone is freaking out because they think that their sign is changing. This change has not went into effect yet, and probably never will. Even if it did though, the changes would only effect people born after 2009.

However, if the changes were made…here is what the changes would be:

Capricorn January 20 to February 16

Aquarius February 16 to March 11

Pisces March 11 to April 18.

Aries April 18 to May 13

Taurus May 13 to June 21.

Gemini June 21 to July 20

Cancer July 20 to August 10

Leo August 10 to September 16

Virgo September 16 to October 30

Libra October 30 to November 23

Scorpio November 23 to November 29

Ophiuchus November 29 to December 17

Sagittarius December 17 to January 20

Answer #8

Because it has been changed back to the original thirteen symbols

Answer #9

Because it has been changed back to the original thirteen symbols

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