Why does everyone hate Athiests?

Ok I am Athiest, Ok? And I heard about this study and it says more people in america hate Athiests than gays or lesbians or any other religion. WHY!!?? I mean really we are not bad people and why do people hate us cause we have a different belief???

*Oh and I don’t want and of that crap where people say oh your gunna burn in Hell and God luvs you and you need to change to Christain.

Answer #1

Ok ok seriously sorry but all this christian bashing is just retarded…

Yes im a christian and I believe being Athiest is wrong but I’m not going to judge you on it. Yes many christians probably would but it’s not every Chritian.. I think it’s very unfair to see every christian as in your face and wanting you to change what you believe in, because that simply isn’t true atleast for me it isn’t. God doesn’t want you gloat about your love for him it says so in the bible so of course I don’t I’m very quite about how I feel when it comes to religion but this all subject has pissed me off. Not everyone “hates” Athiests it’s just everyone has a different option on whats right and what’s wrong and what you should do, or shouldn’t. It’s as simple as that.

Just to finish up.. if your happy with being Athiest or whatever you believe in then good, go with that. It just bolils down to a christian would want to help you see jesus and yea sometimes people going over the top with that and then everyone thinks omg christians are so pushy it’s no ones right to ever force it upon anyone.. ok im done.

Answer #2

because people are ignorent. a lot of people are scared & need the belief of the bible & such to comfort them. people who don’t need religion to comfort them are feared by those who do, mostly because they cannot understand why or how the do not need the comfort so they re feaed & in result hated. Or something like that, Im on a sugar high

Answer #3

eleni, there are athiests who do behave badly and do bad things but I’ve seen men who have claimed to be good Christian people and suddenly they have warrents out for their arrest. Or people in prison who become the prison pastor WHILE they are in prison! Tell me, what’s wrong with this picture?

Answer #4

lol, gays and lesbians arent a religion :)

but anyways, I guess because atheists are “godless” which automatically means immoral to some people…? I dunno, people are idiots who dont like other people who dont think like them, who knows?

Answer #5

You have to consider the source. Where was the study done? I think the only ones that have a problem with Atheists and gays are Christians. That’s been my observation anyway.

Answer #6

I think I kind of agree w/ angelwaiting on this one. but thats just mine and her beliefs. when you said we are not bad people in my OPINION everyone is a bad person, we have all stolen and lied and looked at other pple w/ lust so on so forth therefore none of us deserve to go to heaven. but my god is a merciful god.. haha I got off track. sorry but yeah I agree completely w/ angelwaiting :)

Answer #7

how accurate was that poll you found? cause I DO have a problem with the atheistic view, but I dont HATE athiests. and I’m like a hardcore christian. and I’m not saying this as in “o you need to convert, right now!!” but I was always taught to hate the sin, not the sinner…just telling you the christian view, not like implanting it on purpose here.

Answer #8

Simple prejudice and ignorance. I generally don’t tell people that I’m an atheist when I first meet them. I let them form their opinion of me first than after that I tell them I’m an atheist. If they knew I was an atheist beforehand they likely would never warm up to me but if they decide that I’m ok then learn that I’m an atheist than this can raise their opinion of atheists.

Answer #9

well I dont hate you. I think your probably a very nice person and all. but I hate what you believe in. serisouly. how did we get here if god wasnt real? do you think we are lieng abotu ogd? no. were nto, god is real, and I have no clue why you dont believe in him. im christian, and I will pray for you too. and im sorry also that you feel that way I mean serisouly where do you think you are going to go when oyou die if there is no god? so you think were going to turn into trees? hah no. iff that was true which it totally isnt lol… then some of you people may be cut down, and they may make paper from you, and you might have the bible printed on you. well, believ what you want, but I can assure you, you ARE wrong.

Answer #10

heard that before, you act like just because I converted over to witchcraft I wasn’t a true Christian, & it seems to be that you have issues believing that people outside the Christain religion have morals & standards of what they consider acceptible behavior(etc) that they live by, even athiest. & as for god healing & people being witness, same goes for magick, they even have things on tape. & how come yu can believe in your god but not the fact that other people may be blessed with special gifts in magick & such.

Answer #11

to angel waiting it’s actually a proven fact thank you. & why pray for me? According to your bible I’m going to burn in hell anyways. I’m a witch, my beliefs may become more related to that of occult practices, but I can assure you I’m never going back to Christianity, they’re so blind, even for a biblical religion. So don’t pray for me, you’ll just be wasting your breath.

Answer #12

science is just like the religion of today. Back how many ought years we were trying to understand the world, and in consequence religion/myths were built .Now we are smarter and are attempts to understand life have changed to theory and law. In no way can god ever be law, and In no way I could understand someone believing in him.Everything is cycles , the universe wasn’t always here and it wont always be, there was an ice age from global warming , and there will be again. Its just cycles and when we die , we die. We all become part of the matter that has been and will be .

Answer #13

Seems someone is luke warm on their love for God yes you are to shout and tell the world of Gods love for them but no you dont shove it down someone’s throat . Seems we as Christians forget that some you cant change but God can . He will change that person and put the holy ghost into their hearts to convict them . Until them all you can do is let them know that God is the only way and he is the one that can help them save them from a Hell that no one wants to go to . so Just think of this You have been told about God and prayers are being prayed for those who refuse to reason . Most misquote the verses to try to disprove and some use them for their purpose but you need to use them as God meant for them to be used .

As a Christian , I will let people know it and WELSHCHICK show me where it says you are not suppose to gloat of God ??? show me the verse.

Answer #14

lol I am so sorry you guys feel that way . there is no points just prayers that hoping God will lead someone your way and help you see . I pray for all . You see religion doesnt make me better than anyone .,but I am saved and its not running my life not to think for myself lol come up with what you want but in the end the only words you would hear are “Depart from me for I never knew you .” Those are words I dont want God to say to me . I will still pray for your souls and if you choose to not believe then thats your choice . Dont put me down for something you know nothing of , and I am sorry others have treated you the way they have it was not right and they will pay for that in the end when God comes. Christians are not to judge people just pray and talk with them hoping that God will help them . If they act better than you or judge you then they are only Christians for show . Good deeds dont get you into heaven but believing on Jesus and that he died for our sin and accepting him in your heart is the way .

Answer #15

I think people are just afraid of what they don’t know. Obviously God gives some people a sense of comfort and security and if they are actually forced to think ‘maybe there isn’t a god’ they would also have to face that this is I’d. That this life is all we have. I’m not saying that there is or isn’t a God. In fact I really hope there is a God. But hoping for him and believeing that he is real are two different things. I don’t conform to any religion because I believe a bit of all of them. I definately don’t hate atheist, gays, or lesbians. I don’t hate anybody and hatred of any kind is the result of ignorance.

Answer #16

To the x13 I am sure you are but I know in my heart God will answer my prayers I have seen that website that so calls proved the bible which it hasnt lol . See if you are a true Christian you will live as one not just try to act like one . You see when you are close to Jesus and you live your life to help others come closer to God and hope to win them to Christ . Not try to live both sides of the fence you can win someone . Love and patients is what I have . Yes I will continue to pray for you and the others . to darryl yes I am affraid so . darryl you have to be saved accept Jesus into your heart . You know the only thing on that website showed me was that who ever wrote it only was mocking God nothing was true of heart in it . Not even the prayers . Just reading it made me feel sad for them so last night I prayed and when God works on his time not mine he will answer those prayers . I dont give God a set time his will ,will be done when he sees its time . ya know I know people who God worked through healing them of deases that was crippling and could of killed them but God chose to use her and she is a witness to what God can do . But it has to be his will not our will . Just because God didnt answer that pray that was talked about in y’a;;s website doesnt mean he isnt real . I pray for you still and pray its not too late to save your souls . I will make a website soon that will show people through God he is real and that how easy it is to understand what he means in those verses that they used and help them to see with a true heart of Gods he will do anything . Cause my treasures dont lie here on earth . This is only temp. and I want eternal love and and my home with God without pain or hatered . I want to sing forever the praises of God and see my family and be there forever . Have a great day cause you may say not too but I am going too anyways .

Answer #17

personally I dont hate atheists my friend I’ve know since I was in a crib is an atheist and personally I dont beleive in the jesus crap and if there is a god he is not in control of my life.

Answer #18

God is the only that should be feared

…what for?

Answer #19

if someone who believes in god hates and athiest then they are hypocrits because hatred is a sin.

Answer #20

Capt if you look up back then what fear meant was not to fear him as a threat its meant to be reveranced . you do need to read the bible more that way you will understand what we are saying .

Answer #21

I dont hate atheist’s- I dont hate anyone, just like I dont agree with being atheist, they dont agree with being christians. it’s not that I think they are bad. we just have different beliefs. some people cant accept different oppinions. but I am not one of those people.

Answer #22

angelwaiting2, So you think if someone doesn’t believe in God, they’re going to Hell? Don’t bother to pray for me. Those are your beliefs, not mine. Do you get some kind of points for praying for people or a better place in heaven? There must be a reason.

Answer #23

Is Religion prayers, most of which you do not understand but recite by rote, going to places of worship to be in the company of like minded people, undertaking pilgrimages to places you regard holy, fasting on certain days. Conforming to these practices does not make you a better human being. On the contrary they prevent you from thinking for yourself. Sigmund Freud, the famous psychologist, was right in holding, “When a man is freed of religion, he has a better chance to live a normal & wholesome life”. Galileo, the celebrated astronomer, said the same thing many centuries earlier. “I do not feel obliged to believe that the same God who has endowed us with sense, reason & intellect has intended us to forget their use”. Abraham Lincoln put it succinctly: “When I do good, I feel good. When I do bad, I feel bad.That’s my Religion.”

Answer #24

becasue a lo of people are stubbourne and a lot of christians dont respect other people for there beleifs which is obviouse when you read angelwaiting2 response respecing someone is about accepting that fact that there different most christians dont do this nowere do they say I respect you for that they just say…I will pray for you and crap like that which means theyre trying to convert you, or hoping that youll change your opinion its disgusting athiets are hated mostly by americans id say because america has a lot of people who beleive in “god” and if you beleive in god, you want everyone to be the same way …without respect youll get none in return

Answer #25

filletofspam, I like your idea too.=^u^=

Answer #26

there are many people who act like christians and there are people who are Christians you can tell the difference in how the act . If their actions dont show more than their words then you know they need prayer to get right with God . As far as God said he saves everyone even in prisions the only thing he wont forgive is denying the Holy Ghost. He is a loving God forgives everyone . I pray for those who do not have God in their lives . I am sure one day God with turn their hearts so they can be Happy again .

Answer #27

I dont hate anyone . I actually pray for those who dont believe in God and those who think same sex is ok cause neither are ok . But I will pray for you and those like you and the gays also . I just feel sad that you wont and those others wont enjoy the Happiness we will have at the end of time .

Answer #28

lol Thex13 why would you be feared ??? if I dont understand something it dont make me fear it or anyone lol . God is the only that should be feared . I am sorry but its amuzing how people came come up with so much but yet know so little . As a Christian I dont fear what I can not understand . and for those who dont seek God I just pray for them . As therefore you will be on my list too , to pray for . have a good day

Answer #29

The mere existence of atheism is seen as an attack on the faith of theists, who of course value that faith.

…and honestly, they should be scared. A lot of us really are out to undermine their power by directly confronting theistic nonsense in public. The mere knowledge that it’s ok to not believe in ancient nonsense is enough to set a lot of those on the edge free. in my opinion, this is a big reason that regular internet users are closer to 1/3 nontheist*, whereas the general population is only about 20% nontheist.

*(atheists, agnostics, and “I don’t care”/“never thought about it”)

Answer #30

X13 I just simply pray for you and others like you have since I got on this website and see the answers to alls questions . No you havent prove my God to be man made and I am sorry you feel that way but I will continue to pray for you and others like you that is all . God will answer prayers and I have had too many friends and some I didnt know till God answered their prays . You see I dont have a man made God and nor will I ever . you can come up with all you want that my God is man made but , I have proof he is there . Ask God to reveal himself to you and he will . God is very much real I assure you of this .

Answer #31

Will God cast an atheist in hell if he has led a decent life? What about the doubting Thomas?

Answer #32

I agree with angelwaiting2. not being rude or anything. but I dont fear them.

Answer #33

if someone who believes in god hates and athiest then they are hypocrits because hatred is a sin.

Answer #34

I agree that ignorance and prejudice accounts for most of this hatred. However, we should be honest that some atheists behave badly and do not represent our community well. Although I know firsthand the frustration and anger that comes from being hated, I know that I must always try to behave well and do what is right by others. That’s the only way they will ever come to know that most of us atheists are just ordinary folks.

Answer #35

if someone who believes in god hates and athiest then they are hypocrits because hatred is a sin.

Answer #36

Nicole you’re one cluless person, it’s not even funny. But don’t feel bad, It’s common among Christians.

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