What makes a Christian change to an Athiest?

What makes a Christian change to an Athiest?

Answer #1

And if you had it your way, you’d tell that person not to talk to the atheists. As it is, you tend to shy away from discussion these days, getting people to funmail you so that you can try indoctrinate them without having the skeptics/atheists poke holes in your version of ‘the truth’. I also note you say ‘evidently’, which I’m going to take the educated guesshere, means ‘they stopped talking to me, so I’m gonna assume it was the atheists!’

I would never tell anyone that. If I would I would have told that person in the beginning itself. In fact I never spoke to that person anything about atheists. I don’t ask people to funmail me because I am shy. I do that because many of you are only good at throwing stones from a crowd rather than face someone alone. In any case is many on one fair or one on one fair?

Hahaha! I love this excuse! It’s like you have the opinion that anyone who does something atrocious in ‘God’s name is ‘not a real Christian’. The whole point of the crusades was to mass convert people to Christianity by sword point. They weren’t converting them to atheism- and you claim we don’t know history?!

As I said you you do not know. Crusades was not to force people to convert to Christianity but to Catholicism.

Likewise, your ‘God doesn’t need to prove himself, or show himself’ argument helps you having to give evidence. Convenient that, isn’t it?

I never made that argument. I only said God can prove himself to you if you give Him a chance.

Right… you do know that back in the times of ancient Greece, they believed in multiple deities controlling various aspects of life… they were believed to be behind the development of Earth, man, natural phenomena, they were believed to be in history… yet very few people (if any) still believe that today. What makes you believe your ‘God’ is any different?

It is a well known fact that the deities of the greeks are not historical facts.

Darwin was a natural philosopher, who also studied Divinity at college. His theories were demonstrated in gradual change over time. Later scientists have picked up his work, and progressed it- don’t you think they’d bin it if it was really all impossible?

Well you don’t see again. Darwin was a philosopher without a science background. Why should the scientist pick up what he said? What about all the facts the scientists of that time gave opposing this theory? Do you atleast know what those facts were?

Translated: I can’t convert you, because I’ve no proof of God myself. But if you ever lose your rational mind, let me know, and perhaps I’ll be able to indoctrinate you over funmail.

Wrong translation.

Answer #2

You really do believe that without your ‘God’, we have no morals at all, don’t you? Is it too hard to wrap your narrow mind around the idea that plenty of us who are atheists can admit when we have done something wrong? The difference is, we do the brave thing, and apologise to whoever we did wrong to, as opposed to hoping some flimsy deity will forgive us, so we can avoid actually facing up to what we’ve done.

It is beautiful to talk and say good things like we are brave, we apologise etc. Nut do they do? May be you do. But not all. Well ofcourse atheists do not have morals. What is moral according to you? Who sets the moral standards? You yourselves?

Plenty of believers can be given proof that God doesn’t exist, but they reject it too- it goes both ways.

Really. In fact this is the first time I have heard that someone has proof for non-existence of God. Please show me some?

Well, maybe it’s just me, but I think Catholic priests sexually abusing children is pretty darn evil, but they still do it, despite their belief in ‘God’.

Catholicism is not Christianity. Though it is a popular belief Catholicism is a denomination of Christianity in reality the Catholic church is totally not based on what Jesus taught and hence not Christian.

Not to mention, there are all the atrocities committed in God’s name- in his infallible word, he tells you to stone insolent children to death, so why aren’t you? Or is that too evil for you?

Please explain and quote verses.

Does it frighten you that, just maybe, we came about through a random serendipitous series of events? Or does it just seem too hard to wrap your mind around that some things can occur by themselves?

No it does not. Rather it is a proven fact that this things don’t get better if left to themselves but rather get worse.

Answer #3

jimahi I don’t usually bother to answer to illogical posts but as yours because you don’t even know how to make sense of a paragraph. You take apart of a sentence or a para out of context and refute that!! But for the sake some people on this site I would like to touch on some of the points.

The thought of god is inconsequential because he does not exist. That is exactly what I am talking about. Saying that the thought of God is inconsequential one is free of bothering about what is good or bad. You can then do whatever pleases you.

The blood on christianities hands is plenty proof of that. I never heard of any athiests going on bloody crusades.

You just don’t know history. All who lead the crusades had the label or name “Christians” but were actually atheists.

Any suggestion that god exists must be accompanied by evidence, otherwise it is just wishful thinking. Any rejection of that idea is simply due to a complete lack of evidence.*

You think you are dealing with this issue scientifically but you are not. This is how science works. Anything is accepted only if proper evidence are available. If proper evidences are not available the idea is not accepted. It is not reject due to lack of evidence. It is just not accepted till further evidences are available. It is only rejected when proper evidences to the contrary is available. By this standard there should be no atheists only agnostics.

No, just as it is not proven that leprechauns exist.* One can not prove a negative.

How long will you guys use this stale, stupid argument that you have just adopted from somewhere and use without giving it a slightest thought? “God does not exist” is a a negative because you say so and no one should require an evidence!! You have to realize that that is just a claim and a wishful statement. I doubt if you would ever realize that. This argument is just an escape route (as all arguments against God are) thought up by some philosophical genius to avoid having to provide any evidence at all. And many non-thinking people just adopt it without ever thinking about it.

But denying scientific discovery simply because it interferes with your mythological belief system is highly illogical.

If he/she has little or no real background in the science, then it is unlikely I would take it seriously.

First of all mine is not a mythology. It is history. You just do not know enough history. Secondly what scientific discovery are you talking about? If you are referring to evolution then that is not a scientific discovery. It is a philosophical thinking cooked up by a philosopher. Later many discoveries are assumed to be evidences for this theory just to keep it alive because that is the only theory that can keep God out of creation. You just don’t see how contradicting you are. You claim that you don’t take anyone without a science background seriously yet you take Darwin seriously. He had no science background? You then mean that you will give take someone with a science background seriously but when it come to the scientific studies about Christianity by someone with a science background you reject him completely.

t can’t, but I am willing to let people try. I have in the past, and never once saw a shred of real evidence that points to the possible existence of a diety or dieties.

That is the problem with your approach. You are waiting for someone to prove the existence of God to you. No. Only you can prove the existence of God to yourselves. Well that is possible, you just need an open mind and unbiased study and sincere will to know.

Answer #4

Eternallymisinformed, your arrogance, stupidity and bigotry is quite overwhelming. I think you should be asking your god for forgiveness. You know nothing of history, even of your own faith. Catholicism is not christianity? Sometimes I think you could not possibly be any dumber, but then you keep surprising me.

From the first line of the wikipedia article on the catholic church:

‘The Catholic Church, also known as the Roman Catholic Church, is the world’s largest CHRISTIAN church.’

And here is the first line of the article on the history of the catholic church:

‘The History of the Catholic Church is traced by the Church back to apostolic times and thus covers a period of nearly 2,000 years, making it one of the world’s oldest institutions. The history of the Church is an integral part of the History of ‘Christianity and the history of Western civilization.’

And this is from the article on the crusades:

‘The Crusades were a series of religiously-sanctioned military campaigns waged by much of Latin Christian Europe, particularly the Franks of France and the Holy Roman Empire. ‘

At the time of the crusades there was only one christian church, the holy roman catholic church. The protestant reformation didn’t occur till centuries after the crusades.

Learn some history before you go making a fool of yourself.

Darwin was a philosopher without a science background.

Darwin was a naturalist and studied natural history. That is a branch of science. Again from wikipedia:

‘Natural history is the scientific research of plants or animals, leaning more towards the observational than experimental methods of study’

Ok, now show me some evidence that the catholic church is not a christian church, or that darwin was not a scientist.

Answer #5
  1. Unwillingness to let go of his sins Some people have some evil sins that is they cannot live without. They do not want to let go of it. The thought of God is disturbing because He condemns this sin. So the idea of believing that a God does not exist comes in handy. Then they can do away with God and not bother about weather a thing is a sin or not and do what ever they wish. A sense of freedom comes in.

  2. Giving more importance to will rather than min Some people have made up their mind that they don’t want God. That is fixed. So any thought that suggests that a God exists is explained away and rejected. They have given more weight age to the will that to the mind.

  3. Wanting to live a life fulfilling all his/her lusts Some people want to live a life doing anything and everything they want. They do not like restrictions on watching anything no matter how bad and filthy it is, they do not want to be restricted on speaking or behaving however they want no matter how filthy it is, they do not want restrictions on living out their desires no matter how evil they are. All they have to do is to explain away bad and filthy and evil and then everything is alright. But if God exists that is a problem.

  4. Thinking illogically Lopsided view of what logic is. Someone had posted that “Magic man done it” is illogical. Well “no man done it” is even more illogical. But this would not be acceptable. One had posted “what athesists think is based on true proven facts “ is that logical? Is it a proven fact that God does not exist? Is it a proven fact that one animal can evolve to another? Is it a proven fact that supernatural does not exist? In fact it is illogical to to believe that anything science cannot study does not exist.

  5. Improper Study of the scripture That says it all

  6. Biased research or no research at all Many people who are atheists either do a biased research or do not do a research at all. If they find a book in the book store in which someone claims to provide scientifically the existence of God, would they take it and read it? Most probably no. Even if some might, they would read it with a this fixed in their mind that the existence of God cannot be proven.

  7. Wrong guidance from atheists I was once had a private discussion with an atheist on this site. I spoke with this person slowly showing that person many things. When that person began to see some truth in what I was saying that shook that person and evidently that person had discussion some atheist(s) and was evidently advised against talking to me any more. That is what I call wrong guidance.

Answer #6

Well ofcourse atheists do not have morals. What is moral according to you? Who sets the moral standards? You yourselves?

So, you’re saying if you didn’t have God, you’d be raping, pillaging and murdering? Guess what? I don’t have God, and I know that stuff is wrong. Why? Because it hurts people, and I think hurting people is wrong. Didn’t need a book or ‘Magic Man’ to figure that out.

Really. In fact this is the first time I have heard that someone has proof for non-existence of God. Please show me some?

One such proof is micro-evolution, evolution over a mere few generations, something you can witness under a microscope. According to your sacred book, God put us on earth as we are, no steps in between, thus no evolution. But hey, you’ve ignored this for this long, why not stick your fingers in your ears and sing ‘lalalalala’ a bit longer. Still waiting for you to pony up any evidence that actually stands up by the way. Can guarantee I won’t get any.

Catholicism is not Christianity. Though it is a popular belief Catholicism is a denomination of Christianity in reality the Catholic church is totally not based on what Jesus taught and hence not Christian.

Ever looked up ‘Catholic church’ on Wikipedia? It explains that the Catholic church (aka the Roman Catholic Church), is the largest Christian Church in the world. But anyway, the argument here is that you need God for morals. Catholics still have God, and they still do darn evil stuff. Morals don’t come from God, they come from the standards you set for yourself, and the feelings you associate with them. If you really think that without your ‘God’ you’d be committing atrocities, get thee to a psych ward! I think the one major difference between you and a Catholic is that I’ve never met a Catholic who tried to convert me. Christians who try to convert me, even when I express I’m happy as I am? A dime a dozen.

Please explain and quote verses.

‘If a man has a stubborn and rebellious son who does not obey his father and mother and will not listen to them when they discipline him, his father and mother shall take hold of him and bring him to the elders at the gate of his town. They shall say to the elders, “This son of ours is stubborn and rebellious. He will not obey us. He is a profligate and a drunkard.” Then all the men of his town shall stone him to death.’ Deuteronomy 21:18-21

It’s in his infallible word, so you have to do it, right? Better get to it- don’t want that nice, all-loving God to be mad at you.

Rather it is a proven fact that this things don’t get better if left to themselves but rather get worse.

You do realise that bacteria can be left to themselves and multiply rapidly, right? It’s not worse for them. So much for that ‘proven fact’. Any more hair-brained ‘proven facts’ you wanna embarrass yourself with?

I don’t ask people to funmail me because I am shy. I do that because many of you are only good at throwing stones from a crowd rather than face someone alone.

“Yes Jesus did exist and there are concrete evidences for this. But I would prefer to offer the evidences through funmail. Funmail me and you will get your answers with evidences”- sound familiar? You think those of us who call you on your BS are afraid to face you alone, we merely can’t be bothered calling you on your BS in private, when we can call you on the same stuff out here in public. You can’t pony up any concrete evidence your ‘God’ existing, so we ‘throw stones’ at what you say, because what you say is inaccurate.

In any case is many on one fair or one on one fair?

I’d bet money on it that you would not say that if there were more Christians agreeing with you. If you’ve the courage of your convictions, you should be able to stand up to a few atheists, shouldn’t you? I mean, if it’s the truth and all that…


As I said you you do not know. Crusades was not to force people to convert to Christianity but to Catholicism.

Go to wikipedia. Type in ‘catholic church’. First line of the article:

‘The Catholic Church, also known as the Roman Catholic Church, is the world’s largest Christian church.’ Hear that? Christian.

So, knowing so much about history, you’d know The Crusades had the original goal of reclaiming Jerusalem and the Holy Land from Muslim rule. All this happened because the Christian Byzantine Empire wanted to stop the expansion of Jews into Anatolia. There’s that word again. Christian. Not Catholic.

You do know that lying is a sin, right?

I never made that argument. I only said God can prove himself to you if you give Him a chance.

Plenty of us have. Then we realised believing in your ‘God’ was as pointless as believing in the tooth fairy, Santa, the Easter Bunny, and invisible pink unicorns.

It is a well known fact that the deities of the greeks are not historical facts.

Prove it. While you’re at it, prove leprechauns, invisible cats, and the Flying Spaghetti Monster don’t exist. Without compromising the integrity of your belief in your ‘God’, you can’t.

Why should the scientist pick up what he said?

You claim the theory of evolution was dreamed up by a philsopher… guess he dreamed up those fossils too?

What about all the facts the scientists of that time gave opposing this theory?

Those theories were not as plausible- would you honestly take a less plausible theory over something which has strong evidence and practical research to support? Oh wait… that whole ‘God’ thing…

Wrong translation

Whatever you say, preacher-man…

Answer #7

That is exactly what I am talking about. Saying that the thought of God is inconsequential one is free of bothering about what is good or bad. You can then do whatever pleases you.

You are clueless. To me god is inconsequential because I don’t believe he exists. Aren’t leprachains inconsequential to you? Or do you believe in them too?

You just don’t know history. All who lead the crusades had the label or name Christians but were actually atheists.

Either you are a liar, or stupid. So the crusades were not sanctioned by the church? Please show me the source of this little gem of knowledge you picked up?

This is how science works. Anything is accepted only if proper evidence are available. If proper evidences are not available the idea is not accepted.

You actually said something that is right…

It is not reject due to lack of evidence.

And then you go and say some thing stupid again. ‘evidences are not available’ is the same as a lack of evidence.

It is just not accepted till further evidences are available.

It is accepted when there is evidence that is testable and verifiable.

It is only rejected when proper evidences to the contrary is available. By this standard there should be no atheists only agnostics.

It is rejected when there is no evidence that is testable and verifiable.

Keep grabbing at those straws.

How long will you guys use this stale, stupid argument that you have just adopted from somewhere and use without giving it a slightest thought? God does not exist is a a negative because you say so and no one should require an evidence!! You have to realize that that is just a claim and a wishful statement. I doubt if you would ever realize that. This argument is just an escape route (as all arguments against God are) thought up by some philosophical genius to avoid having to provide any evidence at all. And many non-thinking people just adopt it without ever thinking about it.

How long will you guys use this stale, stupid argument that you have just adopted from somewhere and use without giving it a slightest thought? Leprechauns do not exist is a a negative because you say so and no one should require an evidence!! You have to realize that that is just a claim and a wishful statement. I doubt if you would ever realize that. This argument is just an escape route (as all arguments against leprechauns are) thought up by some philosophical genius to avoid having to provide any evidence at all. And many non-thinking people just adopt it without ever thinking about it.

See how silly this sounds. That is how it sounds to me when you say ‘god’ instead of ‘leprechauns’.

First of all mine is not a mythology. It is history.

Prove it.

You just do not know enough history.

This coming from someone who thinks the crusades were not lead by christians, but by athiests.

Secondly what scientific discovery are you talking about? If you are referring to evolution then that is not a scientific discovery. It is a philosophical thinking cooked up by a philosopher.

This is just too funny. So all those fossil records were just cooked up by a philospher. This reply to my point, onll makes my point even more.

Later many discoveries are assumed to be evidences for this theory just to keep it alive because that is the only theory that can keep God out of creation. You just don’t see how contradicting you are. You claim that you don’t take anyone without a science background seriously yet you take Darwin seriously. He had no science background? You then mean that you will give take someone with a science background seriously but when it come to the scientific studies about Christianity by someone with a science background you reject him completely.

Please stop, you are really embarassing yourself. Darwin had NO science background? You truly are eternallymisinformed.

That is the problem with your approach. You are waiting for someone to prove the existence of God to you.

I don’t need someone to prove it. I just need someone to show any evidence. I have yet to see any.

No. Only you can prove the existence of God to yourselves. Well that is possible, you just need an open mind and unbiased study and sincere will to know.

That would be defined as faith then, not proof, or even evidence. You have no idea what open minded even means.

Answer #8

Some people have some evil sins that is they cannot live without.

Sin is a manmade concept. Some people do evil deeds, but that is true of believers and non-believers alike.

They do not want to let go of it. The thought of God is disturbing because He condemns this sin.

The thought of god is inconsequential because he does not exist.

So the idea of believing that a God does not exist comes in handy. Then they can do away with God and not bother about weather a thing is a sin or not and do what ever they wish. A sense of freedom comes in.

As I said, sin is man made. Knowing right and wrong has nothing to do with belief in mythology. The blood on christianities hands is plenty proof of that. I never heard of any athiests going on bloody crusades.

Some people have made up their mind that they don’t want God. That is fixed. So any thought that suggests that a God exists is explained away and rejected. They have given more weight age to the will that to the mind.

Any suggestion that god exists must be accompanied by evidence, otherwise it is just wishful thinking. Any rejection of that idea is simply due to a complete lack of evidence.

Lopsided view of what logic is. Someone had posted that Magic man done it is illogical. Well no man done it is even more illogical. But this would not be acceptable.

What are you trying to say here? Maybe you shouldn’t drink when you post?

One had posted what athesists think is based on true proven facts is that logical?

Yes it is quite logical to base your beliefs on facts.

Is it a proven fact that God does not exist?

No, just as it is not proven that leprechauns exist.

Is it a proven fact that one animal can evolve to another?

Yes. Not that eternallymisinformed would ever let fact interfere with her mythology.

Is it a proven fact that supernatural does not exist?

When will you thumpers stop with this line of debate? One can not prove a negative.

In fact it is illogical to to believe that anything science cannot study does not exist.

That is a matter of opinion. I happen to think it is. But denying scientific discovery simply because it interferes with your mythological belief system is highly illogical.

That says it all

It does? You have proven over and over again your inability to understand scripture.

Many people who are atheists either do a biased research or do not do a research at all.

And what research have you done to come up with this conclusion? Or are you simply talking out your a$$?

If they find a book in the book store in which someone claims to provide scientifically the existence of God, would they take it and read it? Most probably no.

I would give anything credible a chance. It also depends on the credentials of the author. If he/she has little or no real background in the science, then it is unlikely I would take it seriously.

Even if some might, they would read it with a this fixed in their mind that the existence of God cannot be proven.

It can’t, but I am willing to let people try. I have in the past, and never once saw a shred of real evidence that points to the possible existence of a diety or dieties.

I was once had a private discussion with an atheist on this site. I spoke with this person slowly showing that person many things. When that person began to see some truth in what I was saying that shook that person and evidently that person had discussion some atheist(s) and was evidently advised against talking to me any more. That is what I call wrong guidance.

So you mean you privately spoke to this person, with out any dissenting opinions being given, and believed you had started to convert him, but then he spoke to some atheists, and they tried to convert him back? So I guess it is ok for you to give your opinions, but not atheists?

And you have the balls to call us biased?

Answer #9

So the idea of believing that a God does not exist comes in handy. Then they can do away with God and not bother about weather a thing is a sin or not and do what ever they wish. A sense of freedom comes in.

You really do believe that without your ‘God’, we have no morals at all, don’t you? Is it too hard to wrap your narrow mind around the idea that plenty of us who are atheists can admit when we have done something wrong? The difference is, we do the brave thing, and apologise to whoever we did wrong to, as opposed to hoping some flimsy deity will forgive us, so we can avoid actually facing up to what we’ve done.

Some people have made up their mind that they don’t want God. That is fixed. So any thought that suggests that a God exists is explained away and rejected. They have given more weight age to the will that to the mind.

Agreed some people have. Then there are a huge number of us who used to believe, used to study the bible, go to Sunday school, sing in the church choir etc. Plenty of us did want ‘God’ in our lives, but common sense and critical thinking won out. Plenty of believers can be given proof that God doesn’t exist, but they reject it too- it goes both ways.

They do not want restrictions on living out their desires no matter how evil they are. All they have to do is to explain away bad and filthy and evil and then everything is alright. But if God exists that is a problem

Well, maybe it’s just me, but I think Catholic priests sexually abusing children is pretty darn evil, but they still do it, despite their belief in ‘God’. I think the only difference is, if an atheist did it, they’d get prison time and be put on a sex offenders list. Catholic priests get hidden by the church, and their victims are made to feel like it was their fault. Not to mention, there are all the atrocities committed in God’s name- in his infallible word, he tells you to stone insolent children to death, so why aren’t you? Or is that too evil for you?

Someone had posted that Magic man done it is illogical. Well no man done it is even more illogical.

Does it frighten you that, just maybe, we came about through a random serendipitous series of events? Or does it just seem too hard to wrap your mind around that some things can occur by themselves?

One had posted what athesists think is based on true proven facts is that logical? Is it a proven fact that God does not exist? Is it a proven fact that one animal can evolve to another? Is it a proven fact that supernatural does not exist? In fact it is illogical to to believe that anything science cannot study does not exist.

No, it is not a proven fact that ‘God’ does not exist. However, there’s a lot more evidence against ‘God’ existing, than there is for ‘God’ existing. I have read literally hundreds of papers and books trying to prove the existence of ‘God’- the examples provided are either coincidental, inconclusive, or just downright pointless ramblings. If anyone could prove to me without a doubt that ‘God’ did exist, I’d believe. But, as no-one can put forward anything more than flim-flam, I’m going to go with the proven and logical science.

4. Improper Study of the scripture That says it all

Really? Last I’ve seen, plenty of Christians can’t interpret it correctly, even more haven’t even read it. Plenty of us who have studied it note its false logistics and contradictions, and thus, think it’s no more than a fairy story- a very dry one at that.

If they find a book in the book store in which someone claims to provide scientifically the existence of God, would they take it and read it? Most probably no. Even if some might, they would read it with a this fixed in their mind that the existence of God cannot be proven.

Plenty of us who don’t believe would happily change our opinions if undeniable proof of ‘God’ could be presented to us. However, plenty of what is being published as ‘proof of the existence of ‘God’ ‘ is simply not plausible- as I said earlier, it is either coincidental, inconclusive, or outright flim-flam. Not my fault if the believers can’t come up with a solid argument. They’re rather letting your side down, aren’t they?

I was once had a private discussion with an atheist on this site. I spoke with this person slowly showing that person many things. When that person began to see some truth in what I was saying that shook that person and evidently that person had discussion some atheist(s) and was evidently advised against talking to me any more. That is what I call wrong guidance.

And if you had it your way, you’d tell that person not to talk to the atheists. As it is, you tend to shy away from discussion these days, getting people to funmail you so that you can try indoctrinate them without having the skeptics/atheists poke holes in your version of ‘the truth’. I also note you say ‘evidently’, which I’m going to take the educated guesshere, means ‘they stopped talking to me, so I’m gonna assume it was the atheists!’

You just don’t know history. All who lead the crusades had the label or name Christians but were actually atheists.

Hahaha! I love this excuse! It’s like you have the opinion that anyone who does something atrocious in ‘God’s name is ‘not a real Christian’. The whole point of the crusades was to mass convert people to Christianity by sword point. They weren’t converting them to atheism- and you claim we don’t know history?!

How long will you guys use this stale, stupid argument that you have just adopted from somewhere and use without giving it a slightest thought?

As long as you think ‘Magic Man done it’ is a logical argument. You can’t prove your ‘God’ exists, we can’t prove Leprechauns exist.

This argument is just an escape route (as all arguments against God are) thought up by some philosophical genius to avoid having to provide any evidence at all.

Likewise, your ‘God doesn’t need to prove himself, or show himself’ argument helps you having to give evidence. Convenient that, isn’t it?

First of all mine is not a mythology. It is history.

Right… you do know that back in the times of ancient Greece, they believed in multiple deities controlling various aspects of life… they were believed to be behind the development of Earth, man, natural phenomena, they were believed to be in history… yet very few people (if any) still believe that today. What makes you believe your ‘God’ is any different?

You claim that you don’t take anyone without a science background seriously yet you take Darwin seriously. He had no science background?

Darwin was a natural philosopher, who also studied Divinity at college. His theories were demonstrated in gradual change over time. Later scientists have picked up his work, and progressed it- don’t you think they’d bin it if it was really all impossible? But by all means, put your fingers in your ears once more, and deny anything you don’t want to accept.

That is the problem with your approach. You are waiting for someone to prove the existence of God to you. No. Only you can prove the existence of God to yourselves. Well that is possible, you just need an open mind and unbiased study and sincere will to know.

Translated: I can’t convert you, because I’ve no proof of God myself. But if you ever lose your rational mind, let me know, and perhaps I’ll be able to indoctrinate you over funmail.

Answer #10

1. Unwillingness to let go of his sins

I admit things that I’ve done wrong, and I prefer to ask forgiveness of those I have wronged- maybe it’s just me, but I find that a bit more productive than asking the forgiveness of something which has questionable evidence of even existing.

2. Giving more importance to will rather than mind

I think you’re confusing ‘will’ with ‘facts’, and ‘mind’ with ‘imagination’…

2. Wanting to live a life fulfilling all his/her lusts

Right… because, unless we believe in your ‘God’ we have no morals, standards, or sense of what is right?

3. Thinking illogically

This coming from a person who thinks ‘Magic Man done it!’ is a logical explanation?

4. Improper Study of the scripture

From what I’ve read of the bible (and I find atheists have often read more than you will care to admit), that book is the biggest argument against following religion. Unfortunately, there are plenty of Christians who just conveniently ignore the bits that highlight how barbaric, appalling, and irrational Christianity is.

5. Biased research or no research at all

If by ‘biased research’ you mean ‘research which disproves the existence of God and/or what has been told in scripture, based on solid, undeniable evidence’…

6. Wrong guidance from atheists

Athiests/skeptics encourage people to seek answers from science, logic and reason, something which religion tries to cover up. Skeptics put forward ideas and demonstrations to encourage people to think scientifically, logically, and rationally. In comparison to Christians spoon-feeding the masses with fairy tales, and scaring them with idle threats… which one seems wrong really?

Answer #11

Well, I see eternalrapistofreligion is covering no new ground here: same lies, same regurgitated fabricated ‘’guilt-free’’ dogma, same gaping plotholes, and she’ll be backed into the SAME corner. Then she’ll just start all over again… pathetic…

Well of course atheists do not have morals.

That’s my favorite… you just keep getting dumber and dumber… ñ___ñ

Answer #12
  1. Unwillingness to let go of his sins
  2. Giving more importance to will rather than mind
  3. Wanting to live a life fulfilling all his/her lusts
  4. Thinking illogically
  5. Improper Study of the scripture
  6. Biased research or no research at all
  7. Wrong guidance from atheists
Answer #13

lol lex…

I like sky fairy…

Answer #14

Probably the realisation that ‘Magic Man done it’ is not a logical explanation.

Answer #15

unwilling to get rid of our sins? Wanting to live a life fulfilling lusts? Thinking illogically? No research?

I think that you need to rethink, that is definitely not the case eternallife. atheists don’t give a crap about getting rid of sins… so that isn’t a reason. Lusts… I’m 14… that obviously wasn’t my reason. Thinking illogically… actually… what athesists think is based on true proven facts and theories, not a book with unproveable information. No research? Think again.


Answer #16

Here are the top 5 reasons…

  1. lack of interest
  2. research or education
  3. life-altering or traumatic experiences
  4. rational thinking
  5. OTHER Christians
Answer #17

I used to be a christian, and now I am an atheist… you want to know why?

I thought logically. =D

Answer #18

if your faith and the Lord is insufficient you are easily blown away by what people say and if you dont believe in his promises and dont wait upon him its easy to b atheist

Answer #19

because they questioning stuff like where did God come from? or how can he make somebody out sand and dirt and then make a girl from his rib even though he was made out of dirt/sand?? that’s what happened to me and I’m proud of it. =)

Answer #20

Doesn’t the whole idea of the Trinity bother you? Doesn’t it bother you that a god described as a loving father also condemns people to hell for unless they believe? Why, why is god obsessed with people believing in him? Why does god consider religious faith virtuous when in all other aspects of life faith is derided as ‘wishful thinking’?

These obvious fundamental problems are easily resolved by recognizing that Christianity is no different from any other religion - just a codified myth. Once you allow yourself to earnestly consider this possibility, belief fades quickly.

Answer #21

I was raised catholic, went to parochial school, and was even an altar boy. I remember questioning my beliefs at a pretty early age, and by the time I was an adult logic had pretty much toldme it was just mythology. Out of a sense of tradition and because my wife (girlfriend at the time) was a believer, I went along with it. Eventually I got sick of the dogma and hypocrisy and had to stop pretending. It caused problems in my marriage initially, but we worked it out, and I am much happier now. My wife wishes I was a believer, but she respects my beliefs.

Answer #22

My mom became an atheist after going to college and taking courses in world history and logic. She no longer saw Christianity as unique among all the religions that came before or since and she was able to see the fallacies upon which her own belief system was built.

I became an atheist after stepping back form Christianity and trying to look at it objectively and after 2 weeks of vacillating between seeing Christianity as absurd and praying as hard as I could for God to forgive me, reason finally won out over myth, superstition, and wishful thinking.

Most atheists I know used to be Christians. For those who were raised in very religious families usually went through a lot of turmoil. It is often hard to leave a cult. There are lots of recovered Christians who are now happy athiests.

Answer #23

If you want to, I will send you some links on the internet, you can have a look at it, have your own opinion about it and maybe help you to understand Atheism better. I found it extremely helpful and it wasn’t easy but I can call myself now Ex-Christian after almost 40 years.

Please let me know if I must funmail it to you, as we are not allowed to post web Addresses.

Take Care

Answer #24

I have seen people that have had bad things happen to them in their life lose faith in God. Mostly because they cannot believe God would let something like that happen. Also, as you look around the world, there is a lot of suffering and injustice, so you could take the argument to a higher level.

Then there are the people who cannot believe what they do not see or cannot be simply explained. It comes done to the word “faith”. A person must have faith there is a higher being or purpose. I believe.

Answer #25

because they loose intrest,and get distracted by other things that they think is to important

Answer #26

A sense of reality.

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