Why do I wake up with a stomach ache when I sleep on my back?

Is this common? o.o

Answer #1

It’s hunger, yes it’s common

Answer #2

No it’s not hungry Andrew -.-

Answer #3


Answer #4

I usually wake up with stomach ache when I am hungry.. It maybe something else though, I don’t know

Answer #5

I don’t get it when I wake up on my side only when I wake up on my back so i dont think thats it o.o

Answer #6

You may be stretching your stomach in a way that is unnatural to your usual mannerisms… This can lead to a stomach ache since you aren’t used to stretching that way.

Answer #7

O.O hmmmmmmm maybe.

Answer #8

Do you go to bed hungry? Maybe eating to close to bed time? It could be digestion problems check out http://funadvice.com/r/15u7dj6romv

Answer #9

When I lay on my back, I can breath very well. But in your case and if you sleep with your mouth open, you could get a dry mouth and get nauseous. Or if you take a certain med, it could make you nauseous when you wake up from sleep.

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