What are your thoughts on the "end of the world" in October?

Answer #1

That would probably be the nth time i’ll survive the “end of the world” - - Whoa, I’m stronger than I thought :O

Answer #2

Haha :D

Answer #3


Answer #4

He was wrong about May, he’ll be wrong about October. And anyway, if the world ends I don’t really mind xD it’s gonna end sometime, might as well end sooner rather than later.

Answer #5

I agree And not only that but i’d like to point out that in the bible it says we won’t know when the end is coming Maybe he skipped that part ….

Answer #6

same lol ur prof pic matches it

Answer #7

…..@ …@@ ..@@@ .@@@@ @@@@@

Answer #8

My thoughts are..

  1. I would never even know about it if I wasn’t on FA! :D
  2. Hmm.. That sounds real familiar…. >_>
  3. Who on earth could think they knew such a thing?
  4. Not gonna happen. My thoughts… :DD
Answer #9

My Birthday is in October :’(.

Answer #10

Ahahaha!!! That is funny Stefie. :D Don’t count on it ending! :D

Answer #11

i hope it doesn’t.

Answer #12

Well in that case the words not ending untill 5 days after your birthday . And that’s my theory now lol

Answer #13

The world ended in 1994 (according to the guy who predicted the end of the world this year). He made a helluva lot of money with his books. And he received a lot of donations from his followers.

He said that the day of rapture (when the good people go to the heavens) was May 18th. And according to his prophecy, all those who are now still here are the bad people (you, me, him…) who suffer the days of the Apocalypse (which is exactly NOW) where fire rains from the skies, disease and starvation beleaguer us and panic and despair spread. Uhmmm. Yea… look out of your window. That’s the Apocalypse. Don’t ya think? And all that will be over in October, when his god destroys the world and we all go 2 hell. Looking forward to meeting all of you there. :-)

Answer #14

What makes you so sure I’m going to hell!? D:) :DD

Answer #15

That it’s not going to happen, the world is not going to end. If your religious it says in the bible that you will not know the day or time the world ends, Just the events leading up to it.

Answer #16

We all do. I mean, rapture day is over and we haven’t been taken to heaven (obviously) unless, of course you sit on a cloud with your laptop right now and have satellite Internet and surf funadvice.com in heaven. And according to the great, infallible prophet Mr. Harold Camping, who predicted the end of the world, all the good ppl went to heaven on rapture May 18th. And all of us who are still here, left behind, are going to hell. Including good Mr. Camping, sadly. :-D

Answer #17

Can’t you see all the fire raining from the sky outside?

Answer #18

For being so serious about answering questions, you really are humorous. :D Okay. :D Thanks.

Answer #19

That’s only for us simple folks. Of course a great infallible prophet would know. I’d like to be an infallible prophet, too, and predict the end of the world. It seems that an average end of the world is very good for the great, infallible prophets bank account.

Answer #20

There is no way that I could talk about this prophecy without laughing about it. The entire thing is ridiculous.

Answer #21

Exactly That’s what I’ve been saying, but apparently the guy who keeps predicting this stuff didn’t read that part of the bible.

Answer #22

Yea he obv didn’t lol or isn’t as much into the bible

Answer #23

Heard of the word: RUMOUR?:It is the spreading of the false knowledge about a particular fact or thing.Well,that’s what all this is.Well,what speculates it more are some of the disasters which are taking place and the sudden climatic change.But it’s not about a particular area or a particular disaster,It’s about the whole world.

And for people who count on taking the disasters as proof then even though there is some major disaster the biggest hazard which could effect would probably be the end of humankind,In simple the earth will rotate in it’s normal speed,the time will move forward every second as it does everyday,the sun will rise and set! so there is no chance at all to think about the ending of the world cos for that there has to be an end of the planet earth which is not going to happen so soon.

There are least likely any chances that the world will end and there is a fifty-fifty weather humankind will end or not.

The biggest deal:No psychic is powerful enough to detect an exact date when the world is gonna end.

My view:Not going to happen.

Answer #24

pathetic. It is being told by a 90 year old man who has done this two other times……

Answer #25

i’m so sick of hearing about it, its like let it go its going to happen when its going to happen and theirs nothing we can do about it. there really isn’t a point in freaking already hypocondriates (sp) out. thats my opinion on all this hoo blah.

Answer #26

its all nonsense

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