Do you think that the queen planned it all out and then killed Diana because she was going to marry a Muslim?


Answer #1

You should go post this on the ATS forum. Then maybe someone there will believe you. Maybe.

Answer #2

This is your harsh answer you funmailed me about =/ haha K then… LOL

Answer #3

This is your harsh answer you funmailed me about =/ haha K then… LOL

Answer #4

Its hardlt harsh =P

Answer #5

I thought I came across as harsh after I sent it

Answer #6

No. Diana was a well-loved young woman by her family and the public. The Queen is not against Muslims, she had to pass the law for full equality -.-

What happened was a paparazzi accident, not a planned assassination.

Answer #7

aha no no dont worry =P

Answer #8

my thoughts on the death of Diana, are that she said months before her death that she felt ill at ease and she knew she was going to be killed, it is common knowledge that she felt this way. It was not anything to do with Dodi, it was the fact that she was the mother to the future King, and as such would of taken her place in the royal house hold as such, and that was not wanted by the Royals, and dont forget she was cheated on by Charlie, and he has married the woman he cheated with, Diana should still be here, at the funeral those poor lads were not allowed to show any emotion, could you walk behind your mum or dads coffin and not cry, those lads had to.

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