When people argue in terms of racism, are they arguing in regards to culture?

Answer #1

I’m not sure if you’re equating race to culture. And no, race is not equivalent to culture. Lets look at a couple of examples. The U.S. is actually prime for this. The ‘African’ Americans are ‘black’, and yet they have little in common with most people from Africa. Same argument for many ‘races’ who’ve emigrated.

Answer #2

sometimes. when native americans were called “savages” by the western world it simply was because their technology wasnt advanced as theirs. thats in regards to culture. but there are obscure reasons that dont regard culture. Like i was watching a history channel special about slaves and dont quote me on this but i heard that when they saw a black male talking to a white female they punished him extra hard because they were jealous of the black mans excessively big dongs. so i guess there are many reasons but culture is definitely one.

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