Do you think the newly discovered planet Kepler 22b can sustain life?

Have researchers found another Earth, or do you think it’s just another lifeless rock?

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Answer #1

Apparently according to the scientist in that article, life is near an impossible event anyway and that it happened on earth 2 billion years ago was an incredible thing. But I am ready to go!!!!!! When does the light year bus is taking off? I just hope I live more than 600 years.

Answer #2

Maybe it already does.

We, humanbeings, are so conceited we think that life on a different planet should be the same as ours. Sometimes I think maybe living organisms on other planets don’t breathe oxygen or drink water. Maybe they aren’t visible to our eyes, but we are to THEIRS XD lol

Answer #3

Possible? Yes, Highly probable? No. And intelligent life? Extremely improbable.

Answer #4

Due to time dilation you wouldn’t necessarily have reach superluminal speeds or to live to 600 to get there. As we approach the speed of light time slows so coming close to the speed of light could still get someone there in their lifetime. By the time they get there over 6 centuries would have gone by on Earth though. Note that at 1g acceleration it would take about a year to approach the speed of light then a year to decelerate so you could stop at your destination. Building an unmanned probe that could last for the better part of a millennium would be a daunting challenge. Perhaps mankind will make outposts closer to Kepler 22b so it won’t be as long a mission. Long before anyone tries to build such a probe we will spectroscopically search for biomarkers or chemical signatures of life there.

Answer #5

I dont know but I hope they dont come to earth who ever is up there

Answer #6

Yes! At least I hope so. I hope we are not the most inteligent life forms in the universe. lol.

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