Do you think there is life in the Universe besides us?

well, the universe is so vast that maybe there may be life like us humans in other galaxies…

Answer #1

Life, in its most basic form, can be relatively insignificant things such as bacteria. Bacteria are known to be able to live in harsh environments, and can “hibernate” and be brought back to life after long periods of time. It is highly likely life exists elsewhere in the universe - in fact there are several examples already where its possible we may have found proof of other life in our solar system (in the form of bacteria). So yes, I believe life exists in the universe. As to whether there is life that is intelligent, and similar to us, the odds are rather unlikely, but not impossible. As for whether they would come here? I would think that is even more unlikely, the distances are too huge and to travel them they would have to be so hugely advanced they probably wouldn’t see Humans as being worth visiting - more just like some cows in a paddock.

So called little grey men are more likely in my opinion to be evolved humans from the future, time traveling to learn more about their history. That makes more sense to me than Aliens traveling vast tracts of space to visit us for a short time!

Answer #2

I believe their is.

the universe is so big beyond our abilty to comprehend its highly unlikly we are the only existance. but.. if we are… then we are very lucky…

Answer #3

* the universe is so vast that maybe there may be life like us humans in other galaxies…

Good question. . . . I got no clue. . . . Maybe I should ask Spock. . . .

Answer #4

Absolutely agree with dundee. I also do not think that we have been ‘visited’ by extraterrestrial life because of the utter vastness of the universe. My question is ‘Why would they come here?’.

But it makes for good stories. Good Luck !!

Answer #5

I would say with the almost infinite number of galaxies in the universe, there’s probably a very good chance of extraterrestrial life.


Answer #6

I suppose it depends on how one defines “life.” Taken at its most liberal interpretation, I would think there must be something out there.

Answer #7

I believe there can be. Why would the UNIVERSE create only one civilization?? I highly doubt it.

Answer #8

I believe there can be. Why would the UNIVERSE create only one civilization?? I highly doubt it.

Answer #9

No, only humans.

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