How should I deal with my dad?

Ok…you see… Me and my dad hasnt bin getting along in da past..lets say… 2 months.. And… We’ve bin getting into the full on yelling kinda fights And like now…we arnt even talking to each other… We’re driving each other crazy!and I dont know wut to do Now he said I cant even eat any thing that he buyz Omg And im like wut…13 How da hell am I supose to buy food for my self 0.0 Oh ya sure..I an mob people lol But siriously!please help me… Its so not kool…

Answer #1

I agree with you nl83,

I am a dad, I have an 11 year old, I fully expect to argue with my daughter, because like what was said, it’s normal… however, if there is abuse, physical, mental, (restraining food would qualify, I don’t get that at all!) then you need to seek help from another adult who you trust.

however if this is not abusive… then you need to take a step back, look at what your arguing about, measure the importance against the love and happiness of your dad and yourself.. relationships, wether between couples, friends or children are about compromise, you don’t always have to give. but you can’t always win.
if this is not an abusive relationship, Your Dad loves you, and he has your safety, your stability, and your love in mind. and that has very little or nothing to do with your fun, wishes or desires… which may feel like your happiness… so where you feel he may be holding you down, surpressing you, or withholding from you, all he thinks he’s doing is protecting you, and teaching you how to become a woman.

real parents raise good men and women, not children.

what is your dad trying to do? ask him. listen and don’t respond with an argument.

also, you’d be surprised how much your dad would give in to you if you gave in to him a little more and respected him by not yelling at him.

Answer #2

Ok, first, do you live with just your dad, or with both of your parents? What kinds of things are you arguing about? The thing to remember is, it is pretty normal at the age of 13 to argue with your parent(s), try to keep the nature of the fight in perspective- What I mean is, if you guys are fighting pretty often, and the fights are getting pretty out of control- pick your battles. If you two are fighting over petty things, try to give it some time tonight, let both you and your dad cool off..keep your distance, and then maybe try to talk to him. It takes a lot of effort to be the bigger person and initiate that kind of talk, but in the long run its worth it. On the other hand, if you are having serious blow outs, and they are the kind of fights that are borderline abusive, and you truly feel that your father would hold food from you, then you do need to talk to an adult that you are close to, and perhaps stay with them if possible, or have them have a serious talk with you dad, because that kind of environment isnt safe for anyone no matter what age. I hope this helps and good luck.

Answer #3

ok…I know exactly how you feel. I had an abusive dad and I know how it feels to be neglected and how it feels to be kicked out of the house too.if you live with your mom too, maybe you could tey telling her how you feel and maybe then she can tell your dad and all. im not exactly sure what you should do… I don’t actually have a father right now… so im not sure

Answer #4

No no!! you shouldnt even argue with your parents!!! they are not one of your little friends on the street!!! respect your mother and father…that’s what god wants you to do. why dont you tell your dad your sorry.

Answer #5

u should listen what your dad says if he tell you to this you doit he will jast like after that ok!!!111

Answer #6

omg you are like 13 yah remeber that and remember you can’t buy food for yourself and find a nice warm place to live at 13 and you are still a child you don’t know everything I know you think you do I did too.but you don’t you need to respect your father and his home and think about how lucky you do have it before you go opening your mouth and saying hateful things to your father and I am sure he won’t withhold food but parents say things to when they get mad that they don’t mean and you count on him to give in so try giving in yourself once in awhile I am sure things would get better maybe you guys need to really set down and try to talk to each other first you may want to say I want to talk to you no yelling no butting in I will say my feelings then you can say yours it don’t get better on it’s own if you can’t talk to each other it will only get worse.

Answer #7

He may be under stress you’re not aware of - communicate - Growing up is very difficult—for both you and your parents. They remember a little bundle of joy that they held and nurtured as a baby and now they see a budding adult. These days, children face things and know about things that their parents would never have imagined at the same age. The teenagers of today look older, act older and want to be older than their counterparts did just 20 years ago. It is the desire of all parents for their children grow up in the way that they should go (loving, caring, respectful, and being of good solid character). It is necessary that you truly understand that your parents have your best interests at heart. They will withhold privileges, set limits, and raise you to the best of their ability (neither they nor you are perfect), but be Thankful - They Care - many, many, many don’t. Ask them for guidance and seek to understand what truly motivates their decisions. One of the best ways to prove your maturity and prove that you are ready for more trust is to be respectful of your parent’s wishes and accept their guidance. Learn how to communicate love, honor, and respect to each other…Hope this helps !!

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