Is God important in your life?

Is god important in you life??just asking for some opinions!if so how?if not why?

Answer #1

Deffenately! God is very important in my life right now since I need him for healing, comfort, guidance, counsel, and love. I love my Heavenly Father and his son Jesus Christ for they are my support in times in need. In fact, whenever I feel down or blue, I always turn to Heavenly Father for help to overcome my emotions. I wouldn’t know what to do if I didn’t feel Heavenly Father’s presents or anything. Heavenly Father gives us many blessings. We just need to appreciate them if possible. I know, I appreciate each blessing I receive from him. Heavenly Father is perfect! we’re not! We need to set priorities for Heavenly Father. He comes first before anyone else. Whatever problems I might have, Heavenly Father is always there for me.

Answer #2

HE is everything to me. Without God I cannot see, breathe, walk, talk, run, drive, work or do anything.

He blesses me when I feel alone, HE will never leave me although think I am lonely but HE is just wanting me to learn to love HIm closer.

God is everything and without HIM we are in trouble. Why is HE important to you?

Answer #3

Yes. Jesus is my life. He is my everything. Why wouldnt I believe in him? hes amazing. and he has never turned me away.

Answer #4

Simply a Rose to brighten your day,         And maybe lessen the cares in your way;         And also, too, to help you to know,         That in knowing you, many others grow!

  Welcome to Fun Advice!

  Not really, I’m a Deist.


  One who believes in the existence of a God, but denies revealed religion; a freethinker.  

de·ism (de’iz’?m, da’-) n.

The belief, based solely on reason, in a God who created the universe and then abandoned it, assuming no control over life, exerting no influence on natural phenomena, and giving no supernatural revelation.

  It’s kind of like the sun. It isn’t important IN my life because it is one of those constants that I can take for granted. I don’t have to do anything to receive its benefits and nothing I can do will change how I relate to it or how it relates to me.

An overview of my religious belief can be seen by clicking on My URL (A Search for Truth) in my profile.

Answer #5

I believe that what people refer to as God is the goodness in people. You are God. You have the power to be the best person you can. You also have the power to be the worst person you can. To me, the proverbial battle between good and evil is inside each individual person.

Answer #6

If there is no god then unexplanable things happen to that answer my prayers. I think god is wonderful and sooo important. I don’t know how I could get threw my day without him. My friend louis said, “ I hope people that dont believe in god die, get reincarnated into a tree, cut down, turned into paper, and have the bible printed on them. lol

Answer #7

No. The only role gods play in my life, is that the topic comes up frequently because so many people believe in a god.

Answer #8

Nope. I’m a skeptic and a rationalist: Unless there’s solid evidence something exists, I don’t see any reason to suppose it does; that includes leprechauns, fairies, santa claus and god.

Answer #9

I don’t believe in god. As Carl Marx said, and I fully stand behind, God is the opiate of the masses. I view the church as a conformist machine, using people’s weakness as a tool for ‘more faith’ and by more faith, they mean more people attending Their Sermons each week, or pouring more money into the collection plate. I see religion as somehting to sub-due the masses, keep control over the people. Although the church has almost no power over politics and the community anymore, it is still as corrupt as it was two hundred years ago.

Answer #10

yes god is very important in my live I always knew there was a god but I never realy knew him personaly ..untill I learnt how to pray ..what a wounderful difference it as made in my live know that there is a heavenly father that loves all of his earthly children ..we lived with him once we can again .. the blessings are there waiting for fantastic is that .. sounds nuts but its true .. give it a go pray to your father in heaven and wait for that still small voice answer you …god speed …

Answer #11

I think that we need to be realists. I think that we all should keep faith to our selves and close friends. I personally think that prayer is humbling and if there is what people believe to be god we wouldn’t be able to understand him. So the answer is yea

Answer #12

For me, god is unnecessary. I do not need an incentive system of heaven or hell to make me a good person. And I don’t pray, I might sit alone and think instead. And I am in control of my life, not a god. I just find religion so archaic, I am okay with the fact that I do not know what is going to happen to me when I die.

Some people need to believe in a higher being, but its really not for me.

Answer #13

Yes, because I need him to get through the day.

Answer #14

Z ALMIGHTY JESUS, YES because in him I have thought want love is! !

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