
I am behind on getting my son his shots… he is only behind by one set, and I have just gotten on a shedual to catch him up, the reason I got behind was because we were having transportation problems. could his father take me back to court and use this against me to get more time or to say I am an unfit mother?

Answer #1

Actually he may be able to. But in most cases they only take children away from the mother if it is not cared for proper. And not having transportation and being behind on your childs shots can make you look bad. I doubt it will effect anything custody wise but I just wanted to give you a heads up.

Answer #2

no girl and if he does explain to the judge why he is behind on his shots. he’ll understand. after all there is a reason the kid is with you and not his dad. just make sure you get it done as soon as possiblee !! hope I helped ;)

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