Answer #1
There’s a couple answers in this question. Is there anyhting in particular about the religion you want to ask about?

Answer #2

i had nothing really speicfic i just wanted something in general.. thats all :D thanks!

Answer #3

i have no idea what polytheistic or monotheistic? means.. lol.

Answer #4

Polytheistic- Many Gods. Monotheistic- One God.

Answer #5

ohh thank you!

Answer #6

Not a problem.

Answer #7

Well,in hinduism ,there are many categories.It is formed of diverse traditions and has no single is one of the oldest living religions.There are lots of god in hinduism,not only one,and we can praise any one of them or all,its just the choice..i don’t know the exact number,but they are in millions.. Most Hindus believe that the spirit or soul,which is called atman(in hindi)— the true “self” of every person, is eternal.. The goal of life, is to realize that one’s atman is identical to Brahman, the supreme soul.. whoever becomes fully aware of one’s own self realizes an identity with Brahman and thereby reaches moksha (liberation or freedom) We pray of we want to,i mean nobody can force or its not necessary to do that daily,you can visit temple whenever you want.. we have prayers..mantras..and a LOT of festivals :D (which is actually fun).but the main ones are Maha Shivaratri, Holi, Ram Navami, Krishna Janmastami, Ganesh Chaturthi, Dussera, Durga Puja and Diwali.

Answer #8

I heard a greaty analogy of the meat and potatoes of Hinduism from a upanishad. In the begining God shattered himself into an infinite number of pieces, gave them all amnesia, and the game was to see which ones would realize they are the same; and that realization is called enlightenment. This seems true to me as I get older and more in tune spiritually. When I stop looking at the crud on the outside and we start looking for similarites, it can be fascinating to see that we are the same. Even Einstein said that the great illusion is that there is more than one of us here, LOL. Fundamentally dont we all need and yearn for the same things? At the core of our beings I believe this is true. I am gonna go out on a huge limb here, but what is at the core of every human beings soul, except the desire to have a relationship with the father. The Creator. And if you say know, you are in denial. It is not even a choice for us, it is in our make up. Because if the upanishads are right, and what is says in genisis is right than we dont have a choice because we are a part of the creator because before the creator, there was nothing. “In the begining God” God plus nothing equals nothing but God! So the very Idea of creation goes just the way the upanishads believed: God thinks, and becomes the very things he thinks about. That is why Jesus says he was the Word when the word was God. Because God speaks and becomes the very things he speaks about. That is also why Jesus says; “that what you see is not made of that which doth appear”. And we know that everything is the same down at the sub-atomic particle level. So this could pencil out. I am tired. Good night.

Answer #9

The Hindus have received their religion through revelation, the Vedas. They hold that the Vedas are without beginning and without end. The whole religion of the Hindu is centered in realization.

Hinduism cannot be described as an organized religion. It is not founded by any individual. Hinduism is God centred and therefore one can call Hinduism as founded by God, because the answer to the question ‘Who is behind the eternal principles and who makes them work?’ will have to be ‘Cosmic power, Divine power, God’

Hinduism is based upon Eternal Principles. Eternal principles apply to all human beings everywhere. The laws of physics exist and work all the time.

If a great scientist like Einstein, discovered or realized laws of physics, Hinduism would call him a great Rishi (Maharshi or seer of truth.) Such seers of truth are not confined to any one age or country. Self realized persons like Jesus Christ would be called Rishis (seers) and their teachings would be readily acceptable to those who properly understand the principles of ‘Hinduism’. From the ancient times, many great Rishis achieved self-realisation through such practices as meditation and austerities and they realised knowledge concerning Eternal Principles. Their knowledge, taught to disciples, and eventually made available in written form, is known as the Vedas (Ved = knowledge), the scriptures upon which Sanatan Dharma (Hinduism) is based. Sanatan means eternal and Dharma means religion.

I hope that gives you a fair idea about Hinduism as a whole. Though this is just a fine part of it, without any details at all.

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