What would be my zodiac sign if my birthday was 27th of September?

Answer #1

Libra like me :)

Answer #2

If im not mistaken from September 24th to October 23rd your zodiac sign is a Libra :)

Answer #3

YOU WOULD BE A libra. :)

Answer #4

Thanks :3

Answer #5

Haha thanks :D

Answer #6

Thank you

Answer #7

Yep, you would be a Libra.

Answer #8

Yep, you would be a Libra.

Answer #9

Ehh .. is that bad or good? ;P

Answer #10

she lives in egypt so western astrology she is not under..

here: http://funadvice.com/r/bij4ct8akbk

you are not a libra.

Answer #11

Haha i know but we don’t use the one with the gods and godesses we still use this one for some reason..

Answer #12

thats a shame, its looks better ;)

Answer #13

haha yeah it does look.. uniqe? :P

Answer #14


Answer #15

they are sooo much cooler! XD haha

Answer #16

i know i thinking of getting rid of my scorpio for 1 haha

Answer #17

haha .. apparently my egyptian zodiac thing is the cat goddess one :P

Answer #18

Not bad at all. Try looking up on Google about Libras, if you choose to use that zodiac instead of the Egyptian one of course :)

Answer #19

I did but .. wow my personality sucks xP!

Answer #20

you stick with your cat goddess as its much more appealing than a libra :| ;)

Answer #21

haha can’t i just have both? :P

Answer #22

welcome! :)

Answer #23

welcome! :)

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