Do you believe there are other worlds out there?

Different dimensions and stuff?

Answer #1

. It is plausible in the sense that superstring theory / M-theory implies that other spatial dimensions, not directly accessible to us, can (or perhaps ought to) exist.
. I would not go so far as to say that I “believe in them” in the same sense that Deists believe in God, but I find them much more likely than, for example: . ….. an omnipotent God might send his only begotten Son to “come again in glory to judge the living and the dead”. .

Answer #2

According to maths there are apparently 12 dimensions. Don’t ask me why, please lol.

Answer #3

Are you asking if there are other planets that have sentient life?

Nobody can say for sure at this point. It is possible that the earth is the only oasis of sentient life in the universe. It is also possible that there are a great many.

Our sun in one of over 100 billion of stars in the Milky Way galaxy and there are over a hundred billion galaxies in the cosmos. It seems extremely unlikely that sentient life exists in one solar system.

Answer #4

i have no clue what you just said : /

Answer #5

As you can see from the answers you’ve gotten, Nikki, “worlds” is ambiguous. Do you mean other life-bearing planets in our own galaxy and universe, separated from us by mere distance, or do you mean other universes that exist in different dimensions, which can’t be reached by traversing space?

Answer #6

according to me i’m clueless on this topic :))

Answer #7

I mean different dimensions in which another me and another you live

Answer #8

Aha! The concept of other dimensions is easy enough to accept (which doesn’t necessarily mean they exist), but I admit to finding whole parallel universes harder to swallow. And the idea of an infinite number of other yous and mes living out all the possible choices that didn’t come to pass in this world seems to me ridiculous on its face, more narcissistic projection than scientific theory.

On the other hand, tbh, I can’t pretend to understand what most of this would really mean, since I don’t have the math/physics chops for it.

Please do let me know if you find out. {;^)

Answer #9

If we can be here i dont see why other things can’t be other places.

Answer #10

You’re talking about the “Multiverse Theory / Many Worlds Theory” which states that there is an infinite number of universes overlapping each other. In concept, each and every atom that comprises our universe also exist in every other existing universe [in other words, you, me, and everything else exist in all the other universes] and that all the possible outcomes in one single scenario has been carried out in other universes and all we see/encounter are the outcomes that occurred in this universe. [search for Copenhagen interpretation Experiment. It’s so annoyingly cool.]

Answer #11

transformers proved it

Answer #12

A scientist named Michio Kaku believes an infinite number of other dimensions exist. He’s pretty highly respected :D He’s like, my hero. Haha. But yea, he says they do.

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