What is the pre-adamite world?

What was here before god created us? Was this world already habited by extraterrestrials?

Answer #1

Neanderthal existed at the same time as homo sapien, baldwinwolf. They are a failed evolutionary pathway, not an ancestor to humans.

Answer #2

well first off you need to accept that the “god” story is just that- a story. cience has proven that there were many forms of homonid before homosapiens arrived, homoerectus, neandrethal, the cro mags, etc. so a fitting argument could be made as to if there was a “god” creator- which forms of homonid were made in its image? an what time frame?

I for one do not believe in the “god” of the organized religions- the fossil record has definitive proof for me that we evolved from another form of life without “divine intervention”

Answer #3

Yeah I’ve head that many times no God no earth. But recently I’ve been hearing things from a different religion (don’t know the name because I was terrified of even asking ) but this guy talks about some form of life that was here and was ended by a cataclysm, some alien form he calls them the ‘7 ancient ones’ about them reigning over this planet and that they will come back soon when culhlu or something like that wakes up from his deep sleep. that theres a book ( for them is kinda like a bible, necronomicon) and that it’ll explain to me a lot of things I don’t know about

Answer #4

it is simple there was a god (read the judisam bible) and before us evrything was in water that is why planets have ice on them

Answer #5

I beleive christianity is about god being the start of everything and the creator of everything, meaning there would be nothing before god, because apparently nothing could exist unless the christian god was around to make it that an I also think (as far as my knowledge since I dont beleive in any god) that christians dont beleive in aliens howevere, when you take god out of it there were animals living on this earth long before the existance of mankind

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