why does she have a hairy back.?

My bff has a hairy back. Im afraid if I tell her to shave it she will get mad at me. But its sooo gross. and people laugh so its embarassing.

Answer #1

she’s a manbearpig!!!11!!1!11

Answer #2

How is she supposed shave it? Kinda hard I’d think.


Answer #3

my friends little sister has a hairy back aswell, its not because of the colour of hair, its most likely because she has romanian in her background, she might not be a first, or second generation, but maybe even further back, say third or fourth generation, and she was one of the children, to pick up the genes

Answer #4

look, buttwipe. your probably the one who looks like a manbearpig in the morning! if your gonna be an insensitive twat, go on another motherfricking site. NOT HERE! we ask serious questions that aren’t discussed in everyday conversations. SUCK ON THAT!

Answer #5

well, its normal first off, everyone has hair on there back but people with lighter hair will usually have light blonde body hair hair that isnt noticable whereas dark haired peoples body hair will be dark and more noticable then theres people who have extra hair from a hormone imbalance you could just try and nicely tell her that its a bit noticable and maybe suggest she could do soemthing like shave it or bleach it (to make it near invisible) if she doesnt like it maybe she doesnt even realsie its there because not many people look at there backs

Answer #6

your friend might have a hormonal imbalance in her body. just tell her nicely and im sure she’ll understand. but about the emberrasing part? its not your problem so you shouldnt be concerend about it being emberrasing. neither should your friend really. who cares what people say?

Answer #7

A little unusual for a girl to have a noticeable hairy back, like me I have hairs all over my back, only when the sun is shinning at a angle it looks quite hairy, this might be the same with the lady mentioned in this post. My advice is not to say anything at all, she accept that she is like that naturally. Of all the places in the body to have hair, the back is the most awkward place to shave the hair off, if you offered to do that for her I think she would say no. I have a light covering of hair as I say all over my back, my friend offered to shave the hair off but I said no. No harm done in having a hairy back.

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