Why do older teenagers can get away with more things?

Like when they sneak out. Or get a fake I.d. Or do dumb crap. Do they think they will never get caught. Do they think they’re cool. Or is it bc of some family issue that goes on at their house.

Answer #1

Although, just because you are older doesnt guarrentee that you won’t get caught.

Answer #2

Well, if you’re clever, you WON’T get caught. I think that is the general point. We’re older, and we’ve experienced more, and we know what works and what always fails. So of course we’re going to get away with a lot more than the youngsters.

Answer #3

well I have problems but thats not why I did any of that back then I did it cause I wanted to I didnt care what people thot or would say and I still don’t and we don’t get caught much because we are smarter with it then younger kids. and we think it through and we also like the fact we mite get caught

Answer #4

Its just the way it makes you feel. It is enpowering to sneak out hope you dont get caught but still do. It is a crazy feeling.

Answer #5

I don’t do them sort of things. But I don’t always listen to my mum, which I know I should. But I feel sort of like, I want to live my own life, do my own thing without any interuptions.

Answer #6

im a teen I do stupied crap to have fun and be cool umm I sneak out with my friends and go to partys and have fun with guys

Answer #7

It might be becasue of that, but I say they are just having fun because when you get older you start to feel trapt by your parents becasue you are more mature, but they still treat you like your 13 becasue you live under their roof. :P And sneaking out and getting a fake id and crap is just to get out their to have fun, and being anxious to grow up.

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