Where is the universe expanding to?

Scientists say universe is expanding but where is it expanding to. If there is, what’s the place out of universe?

Answer #1

the universe is expanding into non existance. baisicly that means existance is expanding. imagn the universe is a ballon. and there is litterally nothing outisde it, no vacent space, no air, no nothing. the balloon is being inflated infinatly at the speed of light, thats the universe.

Answer #2

imagine a huge pitch black room(infinite space). then imagine throwing a grenade into that room. the grenade goes off(big bang), there’s a blast wave and shrapnel and gases fly from point zero outwards.

along those lines.

Answer #3

It’s a difficult concept to wrap one’s head around at first, but it’s not expanding TO anywhere, because the only place where there is a sense of place is within the universe itself. There is no such thing as a place ‘outside’ the universe because there is no border between inside and outside. It’s ALL the universe. So the volume of the universe is ever-expanding, but there is no such thing as an edge of space.

People get confused about the beginning of the universe in the same way, thinking that before the Big Bang, all the universe was compressed into a tiny point in space. Since space and time themselves were also compressed into that infinitesimally small point, it wasn’t a point anywhere, because there was no place for it to be. Likewise, there was no BEFORE the universe, because time only came into existence moments after the Bang occurred.

Fun stuff :)

Answer #4

You might mean the Milky Way and yes its moving and its a bad thing because Milky Way and Andromeda are moving closer and closer together until the point they will come together and Andromeda being twice as big as the Milky Way technically Andromeda will “eat” the Milky Way and knowing that both Milky Way and Andromeda have no a Black hole but a super balck hole in the middle of the galaxies.So those 2 super black holes coming together it will become a massive black home IM not sure id it will absurd the hole Andromeda but it will part of it that includes the Milky was

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Biology, Chemistry, Physics