What's up with "the world's going to end this weekend" thing?

Answer #1

Bullox… That’s all it ever will be.

Answer #2

Exactly what i thought.

Answer #3

The world will never end. But it is possible that humanity will die from its own stupidity and mistakes.

Answer #4

Exactly. It’s so stupid i swear.

Answer #5

It’s just bullcrap. Just like it was in 2000 or whatever. Supposedly, the world will end when either a) the sun gives out, b) when God decides to end it, or c) like Brendan said when we finally die from our stupidity and mistakes… That’s just my two cents.

Answer #6

the end of the world is just a belief just like religion, and conspiracies. I personally believe that the world ends when I die. Many people believe many things and just because someone smart says anything, it does not mean it is true but you may decide to believe in what that person says. The 89-year old man who predicted that the world end is a preacher and MAY have probable reason for people to believe him, but he isn;t going to convince me. Now for doomsday theories I have an example for you. The people in the March Tsunami in Japan were scared when a tsunami was announced and they all thought that they would all die and in fact some people over there thought to themselves that the world was ending. I don’t believe in the 2012 theory. here are three links that briefly explain why this theory is absurd: http://funadvice.com/r/153j6n4f593 http://funadvice.com/r/3jv5lfgk7a http://funadvice.com/r/153j6n4f8v9 as for the May 21st theory, I also believe that is all fiction. I do not believe that the population of the Earth will meet its Judgement Day Saturday. However, if you are capable of believing an old man, than you can only prepare for you doomsday.

Answer #7

Yup its all bull crap and just in case it’s gonna happen I’m gonna pray to god to postpone it after the weekend cause I have some good plans for this weekend lol.

Answer #8

Its a prophesy,i dnt believe it.no one can predict d future.

Answer #9

well ofc the world will end xD i mean nothing lasts for ever… yes humanity will die from its own stupidity n mistakes. Its sure that the sun will run out of its nuclear fuel but thats gonna take a long time before that happens… however when it does then the world will basically end.. without sunlight there cant be any life on earth. The one thing is we can never predict the end of the world, its absurd…. xD btw the guy tht said the worlds endling this weekend said the same thing in like the 1990s xD

Answer #10

The world isn’t going to end. there’s a prophecy about the end of the world every now and then. But there have been a thousand of such prophecies in the past and obviously none was true.

I think humanity might be able to extinguish itself the other day, out of stupidity. You know, wars, experiments with super-viruses, exploding nuclear power plants and the like…

But I assume that the rats and roaches will get along fine without us and that the world is going to be a benign place without humanity around. So no, the world is not going to end anytime soon.

the world will end when the sun runs out of fuel in about 5 billion years and will turn into a red giant star.

Answer #11

I dont believe that it’ll end this weekend. thats all crap.

Answer #12

I don’t know, but I hope it doesn’t. I haven’t been on a date with my girlfriend yet, and she’s so amazing… Nahh, the world won’t end, its just a theory. You don’t have to believe me if you don’t want to, but I am a psychic. The world won’t end, and, if it does, it won’t be for ages.

Answer #13

Thta’s bul.

Answer #14

actually, yes people can predict the future

Answer #15

Ugh We had that for quite some months down here It’s like some infectious sick fad Just study up on it & blow ppl out of the water with the facts. It can be entertaining XD

Answer #16

Ugh We had that for quite some months down here It’s like some infectious sick fad Just study up on it and blow ppl out of the water with the facts. It can be entertaining XD

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