Whats your favorite and least favorite food?

Answer #1

Favorite - Hotwings Least - Seafood .


Answer #2

My favorite is ramen. My least favorite would be anything involving beef or pork. It’s not due to religion, I’m just not very fond of meat.

Answer #3

Sushi! and I’m not picky..I cant have spicy stuff. ahh ha ha ha

Answer #4

Meat :[[ Its gross

Answer #5

I love food. I don’t eat meat, and I don’t eat Dairy. But I loooove vegetables. My favorite food would have to be this vegetable pie my mum makes for me when I’m home. I also LOVE Sushi from a place called Umi Sushi. They have a great selection of vegetarian sushi and it’s sooo nice I go there everyday for lunch :)

I hate meat. It would be my least favorite food especially red meat. I also hate canned spaghetti. But it’s weird because I like canned baked beans :s


Answer #6

Favourite - most types of fruit :) Least favourite - lamb :P

Answer #7

Fave would have to be Spaghetti Bolognaise - I love Italian foods! My least favourite would definately be any type of seafood - I can’t even walk past a fish stall without wanting to puke! :S

Answer #8

Favorite- Pizza Least Favorite-French Fries :D

Answer #9

Favorite - Chocolate Least favorite - most vegetables

Answer #10

Favourite food —— Sushi or a garden salad with hot chips Least favourite —– Curry or any food that has curry (eweee)

Answer #11

Favorite- Pizza the least- Sushi.

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