Whats your favourite take away food?

I like indian curry’s and pizza,whats your favorite?

Answer #1

Japanese/thai/chinese food (gimmee a break, I lived in Japan for two years;D) and PIZZAAA! cliche I know lolz

Answer #2

Oh gosh, junk food is like the anti-christ to me. Being Vegg I’m restricted from a lot of things anyway, but I do LOVE chips (I think americans call them fries) if they count. Mm.. chips.

Answer #3

Pizzaa x:)

Answer #4

really good Mandarin and Szechuan Chinese food

Answer #5

Um… fried chicken but my favorite food is lasagna. Im like another garfield.

Answer #6

Dominoes Pizza ftw :D

Answer #7

Domino’s Pizza as well

Answer #8


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