What can jumproping do ?

Okay so I know that jumping rope is suppossedly better than running. But what parts of your body does it work ? Like do in lose weight in your arms, legs, stomach,, what ? Haha


Answer #1

obviously the muscles you are working are your legs.

and you can pint point weight loss. you cant choose what part of the body you want to lose weight, but you can choose which muscles you would like to tone.

it supposedly burns 20 calories per minute, which is better than the average jogger.

do it for 30-40 minutes, and you got one hell of a cardiovascular workout.

which in turn is good for weight loss when going hand in hand with calorie counting.

most americans dont even realize, but they could lost weight sooo easily, so fast, if they controlled their CALORIE INTAKE.

count calories. seems no fun??

its actually the key for you to lose 2 pounds on average a week.

basically what im trying to tell you is… if you want to lose weight, count your calories.

infact, this is what I use. go to fitday.com

helps a bunch.

Answer #2

Its helps tone rather than lose weight, it can help calves and thighs, lower stomach and arms. Altough if you did it often enough and had a healthy diet im sure it could help lose weight. Xo:)

Answer #3

you dont loose weight or tone up unless you do it reguarly and combine regular exerscise with healthy eating but yes, it can tone your legs and your arms

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