What is your western zodiac sign and do you believe that you fit it?

why or why not?

Answer #1

Well I only know of zodiac and I’m aries and I fit my sign very well

Answer #2

im a scorpio and it’s a yes/no situation. As a scorpio it says im passionate and intense which are both tru but it also says i am selfish which i habe been told does not apply to me at all

Answer #3

I know many scorpios and they are all very selfish

Answer #4

I’m a Gemini, and like fairygirl17, it’s a yes/no situation for me. Gemini’s are said to be adaptable, intellectual and nervous. These are all true about me. I can adapt to change quite well, I’m quite smart, and I do tend to get rather nervous, especially before exams, and when meeting new people. However, it also says I’m witty, lively, superficial and cunning, which I don’t think I am, and I know for a fact I’m not lively :P

Answer #5

That snds like my daughter to a T, she is a Gemini as well, she is quite the character and a joy to have around, she’s always so happy

Answer #6

im one and i don’t think i am and people have told me im not

Answer #7

i think maybe the characteristics of each starsign are like a list of qualities that person might posess e.g. natalie a gemini who is adaptable but who isn’t superficial

Answer #8

Hmm… could be… one of my best friends is a Gemini (she has the same bday as me actually) and she’s a lot like me, except just a bit mental :P

Answer #9

I don’t believe in zodiac sign. They are not correct.

Answer #10

i understand that but it was for fun

Answer #11

Its ok dear. I like your style.

Answer #12

i’m libra. and yeah, i do fit…

Answer #13

Libra which means my element is air and I agree, I’m very day-dreamy and that :3

Answer #14

I think zodiacs are all bull. When reading all of them, I’d say I fit into all of them.

Answer #15

I am a Scorpio, my husband is a Scorpio and my brother also.

We are so alike temperamentally you wouldn’t believe. We both hold characteristics typical to the Scorpio ‘rule’.

I suppose that because we are all alike, we know what to expect, and ‘the sting’ is kept at bay.

Answer #16

I’m a virgo and I don’t fit my sign at all.

Answer #17

I’m a Sagittarius… From what I read I seem to fit it… however, I don’t believe zodiac’s have any bearing on how a person truly is.

Answer #18

pices fit my personality well

Answer #19

My zodiac is Libra.Yes I find them freakishly accurate.

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