Who believes in spiritual stuff?

Like ghosts?Hororscopes?Forwards?GOd? True love? Zodiac signs?Anyone?Im just bored so I would like to know, Please respond.

Answer #1

yeah…I do because one time I was at home by myself and I heard a man with a deep voice say my name…I stayed outside until my mom came home

Answer #2

I believe in God and Jesus. Because if there is no God we wouldn’t be around. Who created the first man , the first woman, the stars the sky the moon the sun? Obviously God. So of there is God , unfortunately there is also the devil . And yes there is ghosts. They are like spirits that have escaped. I do not believe in astrology and destiny. I believe God decides. And you have to work hard to create your own destiny. Otherwise we will have not purpose to be on earth . ANd no I don’t believe in aliens. I do think there is angels out there. SOmeone who guides us and natures us. But mainly I am 100 percent confident there is God and only one God.

Answer #3

Out of the things you listed I only believe in God and true love. Horoscopes, zodiac signs, ghosts, and fowards are a bunch of shinannagan and balony!

Answer #4

I’m a true believer in the Spirit world, mostly because I’ve encountered them!

Answer #5

I believe in God and Jesus. I believe in Science as well I think that God created the laws of science and it is just another thing that gives credit to him! =)

Answer #6

I dont have a specific reliogion but I believe in God or any stronger energy out there. I dont beleive in destiny but ii think there are a certain people in the world that fit in a relationship with you through energy or sumthin like that and I believe in angels that surround us waching over you everywhere but im only 15 so my thoughts can change.

Answer #7

I believe that there is a god :) I believe in Love, but I don’t agree with all the laws of science. I like science, it’s just some of it interferes with my beliefs. I choose to believe my beliefs instead :)

Answer #8

I do. I always keep an open mind with things like that. I especially like astrology

Answer #9

im not really sure , it depends , can you please help me out on my question its underneath urs on home thanks

Answer #10

I only believe in crop circles. Those could only be aliens. The rest of that stuff, nah.

Answer #11

I do everything but god

Answer #12

I don’t.

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