Ugh! I hate my family sometimes!

Ugh. Ok, im just wondering if anyone else has somewhat of the same problem as I do. Well, I have a younger brother who is 11 and im 14 and he always gets his way, especially with my mom. He always tells lies that gets me in trouble and never respects my privacy. Hes always in and out of my room with his friends and it doesnt help that I dont have a door. If I tell him to leave me alone then he’ll tell my mom and shell make me let him in my room. And if im not in my room and tell him to get out she’ll say why cant he go in there?! Then I have to let him in there. Its the same with my computer, tv, anything! I hate it. And today I just broke down and cried for 15 minutes straight because of everything. I dont know what to do. Help? And I know a lot of people will say “well talk to your mom or someone abouot it.” but its kinda hard and my mom will probably say shut up or no she doesnt (baby/spoil my brother).

Answer #1

I go through he same thing. I’m 17 and my little brother is 13. but instead of mom, its my dad. and I get in trouble for everything. I hate it. but I used to go to tae kwon do. and altho he didn’t know it, when I would spar with him, I would do it with such anger and hate. and then one day when he really pissed me off (btw, I share rooms with him) I knocked him out on his bed and he left me alone. now we are inseparable.

Answer #2

I know exactly how you feel my mom and dad are always like “ you need to spend qaulity time with your brother” it gets sooo annoying! he always walks into my room, takes stuff, and thinks that its okay because hes the youngest!!! UGH…I hate little brithers they’re always around being annoying but as soon as they see your parents in the same room they ACT all sweet and innocent! its not fair! heres what I would do… everything meaningful to you…bring it to school and put it in your locker including your cell phone, diary, extc. because when I did my little brother stoped going in my room unless my friends were over because he had no gossip or any reason to be in my room anymore…I cant help ya with the computer though because im pretty sure you cant fit it in your locker =( I would make sure that every time you log onto your email, facebook, myspace, extc. that you erase your messages and log out! if you have to change your password every day (not kidding)!

Answer #3

like I go threw the samething but with two younger siblings like when I have someone stay or crap and my lil bro and sis come in my room to show off I tell my mom and she goes (let them go in there they are not hurting a thing) so I have to let them in there. then she says she doesnt favertism but she does a lot and it hurts my feelings so I just start crying and then she trys sucking up to me I hate it!!!

Answer #4

I hate having younger siblings.

Tell him to leave your room, and the next time your mom asks you why he needs to get out of your room, tell her: -you need your own space -he is always disturbing the peace -if it doesn’t matter that he goes into your room, then why can’t your brother go into your mom’s room?

Answer #5

~ughh I know what you mean ~ what I do is , I 13itch slap my brother (lol) then he goes crying 2 my mom and tellz on me( as always) then my mom yells at me 4 almost no fckn reason and I ignore her– anyways–DON’T tell him 2 get out your room , itz not a choice itz a command , GET him out threaten him make him BE scared of you if he says he’s going 2 tell then say: watz SHE gonna do about it? – I mean itz your room doesn’t he have his own? , don’t be scared of your mom (don’t do anything bad 2 her though) cause really your mom has nothing 2 do with this– itz just you and your brother– tell your brother 2 stick up 2 himself and leave your mother alone, and as for the computer,tv ~just unplug it~ or 4 your computer change your password , but yeah OR if he has his own room do the same bother HIM , ~gross him out or something~ if your 14 and he’s 11 it can’t be THAT hard 2 get him scared of u don’t be afraid 2 hit him just DonT hit him really hard but hit him hard enough 2 make him cry and if your mom yells at you give her the ~wtf? look ~ and tell her its your room noT his & you can do w/e you want in your room cause itz yours but don’t yell at your mom THAt WILL MAKE THINGS wORse ( TRUST ME I KNOW )
ANyWAYS* If you need any more help fun mail me & I will be happy 2 help


Answer #6

so do i. same problem. i beat up my lil bro. and guess what he never came to my room

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