Who here thinks that Osama Bin Laden's death will get Obama re-elected?

Answer #1

No I dont

Answer #2

I think the Republicans and their presidential candidate will get Obama re-elected.

Answer #3

I think he will get re-elected.

Answer #4

no he doesnt even do anything good for america

Answer #5

I greatly hope Obama gets re-elected. If not for Osama Bin Laden’s death, then at least to keep a Republican out of office.

Answer #6

Depends on who the alternative is. But I don’t think the republicans have a better guy… The problem is that anyone who is able to make themselves president should on no account be allowed on the job. And everyone who would be perfect on the position does not want it.

I think Hayyim should be president. Either him or Colleen. But she’s Canadian so she can’t be president of the USA. :-P

Answer #7

I do

Answer #8

Bahahaha! If you only knew… :P

Answer #9

I think it will. I seriously hope it doesn’t. .-.

Answer #10

I hope he doesnt get re-elected I really hope Ron Paul finally gets elected he’s the republican representative this year but I don think the death of Osama bIn laden will get him re elected or at least I hope not

Answer #11

Because of Osama Bin Ladens death my ass. If that’s the reason..then maybe all the soldiers should become president.

Answer #12


Answer #13

You guys, Obama is the reason Osama is dead. Don’t act like this is just some random idea that popped into my head.

Answer #14

Actually, the SEALS are the reason Osama’s dead. All Obama did was give them the ok to go k!ll him. Obama gets all the credit for Osama’s death, when actually the SEALS are the ones who did it. Just my opinion.

Answer #15

grin I knew you’d try do squirm free of it. Your reaction is just another proof that you are the perfect man for the job. :-P

Answer #16

Yeah, a perfect man, that’s me. [uncontrollable giggles]

But hey, at least I know where to turn when I need some good advice, right? {;^D

Answer #17

Emily, that is ridiculous. The president is ultimately responsible. If the mission had failed, he would be getting all the blame, so he deserves the credit for its success.

Answer #18

I think it will help, but it certainly will not be the sole reason. It will depend on a lot of things. If the economy and jobs market improves, that will be the biggest reason. But I also think the GOP does not have any solid candidate right now who could beat him. Romney is closest right now, and is leading in some polls, but I think it will be a stretch to see a Mormon win the republican nomination, as silly as that sounds. The GOP is in bed with the christian right, and they will not go for him.

Answer #19

I suppose it would be too much to hope that some other democrat be elected. Obama made a lot of promises he didn’t keep and he was not as tough on the republicans as he should have been. You have to say one thing about the republicans, they do what they say they’re going to do, and screw everyone who disagrees with them. Oh and to answer your questions, it would be a silly reason to vote him in, then again people voted for Bush. TWICE. So anything is possible

Answer #20

Just a thought, if it failed, we probably wouldn’t have been told.

Answer #21

So getting bin Laden was not good for America? When Obama came into office, the Dow was at 7,500, we were losing about 400,000 jobs per month, banks were about to go bust, many big businesses were months away from bankruptcy, and we were losing 20 soldiers per month in Iraq. Now the Dow is over 12,000, we are gaining about 150,000 jobs per quarter, the banks are largely solvent, big business is sitting on $1 trillion (which they refuse to spend), we average less than 3 combat deaths per month in Iraq, and the bailout companies are paying back the loans, with interest. Sounds like he has done a lot of good. He hasn’t been perfect, but far better than the alternative.

Answer #22

Why do you think that? Do you think Pakistan would not have said something? We certainly heard about the failed rescue mission for the Iranian hostages, and Carter got roasted for that.

Answer #23

Every presidential candidate makes “promises” they don’t keep. If that is a criteria, then no president would ever get re-elected.

Answer #24

Kidney failure is the reason Osama has been dead for years

Answer #25

@Jimahl, I don’t give a f*ck what you think. That’s why I said it’s JUST MY OPINION. I don’t care if you agree with it. Have a nice day :]

Answer #26

Emily, if you say something on a public message board, you should be prepared to hear differing opinions. Maybe when you grow up you will learn better manners.

Answer #27

I don’t think any of the likely Republican candidates can unseat President Obama. Getting Bin Laden certainly helps but the Republican candidates have become characterizes of themselves. If cutting taxes didn’t work they want to cut them even more. If deregulation was a disaster they think deregulating even more will be the solution. Instead of trying to widen their appeal with shrinking demographics they narrow it even more to a smaller and more strident base. Elections are not decided by the left or the right but the middle and Republicans are getting pretty scary for everyone even a few ticks to the left of themselves.

Answer #28

characterizes=caricatures. I shouldn’t have such blind faith in spell checker suggestions.

Answer #29

I would hope that partisans would take this as a lesson that the individual heads of states are only there to be the charismatic face for the banking oligarchy’s agenda. That it happens over and over again… campaign lies… legislated cronyism… should be a clue. I can respect differences of opinion… I can’t respect partisanship.

Answer #30


Answer #31

It’s funny that you’re talking about being prepared to hear different opinions. You just randomly commented and was saying my opinion is ridiculous. Just sayin.

Answer #32

he wasnt the one who caught bin laden the troops did obama has been lying to us they have been knowing where osama bin laden was for years and they only let us know where he was after he is dead

Answer #33

And I gave you my opinion as to why I thought it was ridiculous.

I didn’t just tell you that I don’t care what you think with an expletive.

Answer #34

(sigh) Where are you getting your information? They only confirmed where he was last August. They immediately began planning the mission at that time. Do you think a mission like this can be put together in just a few days? It took that long to set up the mission. They actually built a full scale mock up of the compound so the seals could train. And do you think they should have told us where he was before the mission? You make no sense…

Answer #35

Our economy is worse then ever! Ur acting like an ignorant person who listens to nothing but what they hear on the news an see on tv, were not gaining jobs were losing them still.ur the one that’s making nO sense, u only know that they found were he was in august bec that’s what they want u to hear. I respect ur nationalism but try and see what’s really happening in the world and don’t just listen to the news

Answer #36

I agree. Big corporations and the Banks rule the world. Why do you think there is barely any changes?

Answer #37

That’s exactly true.

Answer #38

Kitty, I am not sure where you are hearing this. While the job growth is not significant enough to speed up the recovery, we are gaining jobs. We are no longer losing jobs. And you don’t know me, and have no idea where I get my news. Lets just suffice to say that in my 51 years I have learned where to look for my news, and where not too, and it is not in any one place, and I do my own research. It certainly is not from FOX or MSNBC…

Answer #39

The trillions of dollars printed for the socalled bailout is like monopoly money it has no significant substantial value. There isn’t any gold or precious metal backing up this currency it’s making the value of our capital plummet substantially so to be honest the about of employment increase isn’t work anything before you know it well have inflation on our hands

Answer #40

Kitty, you are right, we printed trillions of dollars for the bail outs. The bailouts that Bush signed into law, not Obama. And the we have been off the gold standard since Nixon ended it in 1971. I agree we should get back to the gold standard. Good luck with that. Neither party is willing to take on the federal reserve and the banking cartel… The bailouts and the gold standard have little to do with the employment issues we are seeing today. And inflation is not a bad thing. It is a normal part of any robust economy. It is better than no inflation (stagflation) at all. You really need to proof read your posts before you submit them…

Answer #41

Me! i <3 Obama.

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