The Rapture

Do you believe in the Rapture (the taking up into the air of all believers in Christ)? If so, do you believe in a pretribulation, or post tribulation rapture? If you don’t why not, biblically speaking? If you’re a non christian I’d welcome your answer as well.

Answer #1

Does any realize how many dates have already past that were supposed to be the dates of the rapture.

It just amazes me how gullible some people are.

Answer #2

* “As far as I’m concerned I’ll start looking after the treaty with Israel is signed, and not a day before.”

The treaty you refer to comes from Daniel 9:27. But if you read Daniel carefully, you’ll see that he’s not making a future prediction, but is referring to past events using prophetic language - a flashback.

Daniel was predicting the end of the Babylonian captivity, by combining his understanding of Jewish scriptures with his knowledge of the history of the Babylonian conquest of the Jews. He makes this explicitly clear in Daniel 9:2. The 31/2 weeks is not 31/2 years, its a literal 24 days, as made explicitly clear in Daniel 10:4.

The book of Daniel has nothing to do with end-time prophecies, regardless of the nonsense being propagated by the Dallas Theological Seminary.

Answer #3

In revelations there is mentioned those that will be saved pre-tribulation and those that will be saved post tribulation. Pretribulation is for the 144,000 virgins that have not known women and who have devoted their life solely to the Lord. And a great multitude of every nation, tribe, people and tongue. Rev (7: 3-14) & (14: 3-5)

Post tribulation: Rev [9: (3-4)& (13-14)], (14: 15-20)

Rev 16:1 on those that didn’t make the cut

Answer #4

That’s why we are never supposed to listen to date setters. Jesus said no man would know the day nor the hour. As far as I’m concerned I’ll start looking after the treaty with Israel is signed, and not a day before. If God comes and raptures me before then I’ll be just as ready as if I died tomorrow, but my Blessed Hope is living with my Savior, not being saved from persecution

Answer #5

I think Christians are kindly split down the middle on the timing of this event. However, I think the bible teaches us to stay ready to meet the King. At any moment. So, if we do that, we can leave everything up to him. Stay prayed up and out of sin, so that when he does call we will not be ashamed.


Answer #6

The tribulation is a seven year period, foretold by many of the prophets and by Jesus Himself, when God will pour out His wrath upon mankind in order to gain the attention of non-believers.

As for Pre-Post Tribulation Ratpture, I used to agree on a Pre trib rapture based upon the Prophecy Bible by Tim Lahaye, but recently some research done by my pastor as well as a book by George Eldon Ladd, have convinced me there is a large possibility that Christians will have to face the Tribulation as well. He states that we have to read Matthew 24 in sequence in order to find out when it will happen, and there are other reasons as well, including the fact that that Rapture is a relatively new term, and the fact that the Pre- Trib rapture theory is only a few hundred years old.

Answer #7

Yes I believe in the rapture and the tribulation period and everything GOD says!:)

Answer #8

I know what the rapture is but whats pretribulation, or post tribulation rapture?

Answer #9

The rapture is not an event described in the Bible. It is a doctrine that was written about first by John Darby in the 19th century and which gained widespread popularity as a result of his teachings. Christians have since accepted the rapture as an actual event. In reality, it has no clear scriptural references.

Answer #10

yes im christian and I do believe

Answer #11

yes I do believe in the rapture and I cant wait because I know ill leave with the LORD!


Answer #12

Rapture will precede the tribulation - The rapture is an event that will take place sometime in the near future it appears looking at prophesy and world conditions (exact moment, only God the Father knows). Jesus will come in the air, catch up the Church from the earth, and then return to Heaven with the Church. In 1 Thessalonians 4:13-18, we are given a clear description of the rapture: “the dead in Christ will rise, then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord.” - Jesus said, “No one knows about that day or hour, not even the angels in heaven, nor the Son, but only the Father” (Matt. 24:36). What is important about the timing of the rapture is not wishing that we would know when it is coming so we can get ready, but being ready at every moment. “Therefore keep watch, because you do not know the day or the hour” (Matt. 25:13). Read also 1 Thessalonians 5:1-11 and 2 Peter 3:3-15. After this, the tribulation, rise of the Anti-Christ, then the 2nd coming of Jesus to defeat the enemies of Israel and reign, is my understanding…hope this helps !!

Answer #13

I just hope that those christians floating above us don’t decide to spit. will you be floating like balloons or flying like birds?

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