What solutions has the world tried to solve the freedom of religion issue?

Answer #1

the freedom of religion issue…as in the freedom of choice?

Answer #2

no like… for example if a Muslim came to Australia and wanted to practice their religion but if they did they would be killed. that is not showing freedom of religion

Answer #3

how much problem those the world have with that? i mean in my country, constitutionally, you have unlimited freedom of religion. thought it applies to all others?

Answer #4

It hasn’t in the last 10,000 years. Makes you want to ask is it really religion or not. As long as man can’t trust there will never be piece or love among us. It’s not the differences among us it’s not trusting.

Answer #5

Not all others. Some countries are really strict about it. But they are usually small countries. Thanks for you answer it helped heaps and is one of the best.

Answer #6

Ummm… Great answer but is that a solution???

Answer #7

“no like… for example if a Muslim came to Australia and wanted to practice their religion but if they did they would be killed. that is not showing freedom of religion” Sorry, I couldn’t help but laugh at that. Who says they are killed? I’m a Muslim and I was born in Australia and I’m not dead. My mother moved here from Lebanon about 20 years ago and she wasn’t killed.
My father mover here the same time from Greece and he wasn’t killed. My cousin moved here 4 years ago and he wasnt killed. No one in my family has been restricted from following our religion. We all have been criticized. I am constantly getting insults thrown at me for wearing the headscarf but if there’s one thing I’m proud of, it’s that I’m an Lebanese Aussie. I am a Muslim and I wear the headscarf. No one in my family has been killed for following Islam and I respect Australia. I am free to follow what I want and I have full rights to my freedom of religion.

Answer #8

it was just an example….doesnt mean it was true

Answer #9

Okay, sorry for the misunderstanding. I only realized after I had posted this.

Answer #10

No, and not trusting is the not the answer either. But when man can get at the source, the basics, of all his problems and eradicate them then he will be sane enough to trust others. Religion has never done it, will it ever is the question.

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