So why aren't we nailing Foley to the wall?

You know, the Republican who checked himself into an alcohol abuse treatment center after he was confirmed to have propositioned page boys in the senate.

Now…if it was me, I’d be after him with a baseball bat for messing with my kids. I’m sure many of you feel the same. So why can’t we nail this guy to the wall for even thinking about molesting some underage boys?

It puzzles me, really, and the fact that he was abused as a child makes for zero excuse. If we have a “zero tolerance” policy on terrorists, we must have one on those who prey upon children. How do you feel?

Answer #1

government hasnt got enough funds to buy nails… they’ve paid 700 bill. just to save some rich peoples ar*es

Answer #2


Zero tolerance sounds so much more secure when it applies to terrorism, but what do you do when the problems are just outside your front door?

Is this just another case of “money talks”, where someone in a position of power is at liberty to make any bad judgement he wishes with no threat of penalty?

The man is not infallible; he needs to understand that he does not have free reign to make these kinds of offenses without paying the debt.

Answer #3

I agree, even if they are Democrat…

Just say his name, and leave politics out of it…


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