Why do people frown on the freedom of speech and individuality??

Answer #1

They frown on it until it impedes upon their own rights. See - that’s what people do…they grumble about what everyone else is saying or doing and then get in a huff when their own rights are being affected.

Answer #2

Well the ones I have met. People in countries like Korea or the Iraq probably frown on freedom of speech because they are jealous. Another reason is because some people are used to a society where everyone is programmed to like this music, wear this shirt, dance this way, talk like this, and hang out with these people. When a person breaks this robot chain of life people don’t know how to react causing them to react negatively.

Answer #3

I think you need to be alittle more specific. I for example don’t have an issue with freedom of speech or individuality until you force your ideas or foul language on me. Just because you have the right to say something doesn’t mean I should be forced to listen to it. A good example is the person at the store who drops the f-bomb as every other word while I am there with small children. In this case common decency says “shut the f up”. There is a time and place for everything and some people take it too far. It is those people who cannot seem to be considerate of their surrondings who cause issues for those who do.

Answer #4

That too, I know what you mean, but freedom of speech was added in the constitution to excuse foul language. I feel that some people think that they can say whatever they want because they have freedom of speech like the people at that guy’s funeral.

Answer #5

I mean like personal opinions

Answer #6

people frown apon others personal beliefs and intrests because they are either ignorent, or just don’t understand why someone is that way… like those people with the “odd” fetishes. they find it completely normal, (weather it be foot fetish or blood fetish etc..) but they may think its normal and a turn on, but others are disgusted and are usally mean about it. so yeah i mean we are aloud to have our own thing going on, but it just hasn’t hit others yet.

Answer #7

freedom of speech was added to excuse foul language? seriously? freedom of speech came about to allow people to disagree with unjust systems. Yes, people use it for bad. But that was not the intention

Answer #8

Here’s the problem you are apparently listening to fox news or to someone who listens to fox. People in other countries are jealous, like seriously? You think the general population doesnt want rights and freedoms?

Answer #9

Because they are scared that they will try and rebel and want everyone to be alike

Answer #10

I meant to put wasn’t…ooops

Answer #11

Duh, that’s why people frown on it. Do you seriosly think people will openly admit that they are jealous because they don’t have freedom of speech??!

Answer #12

Wow. Do you think all adults have the maturity of 5th graders? Not only is this a beyond simplistic way to look at a very complicated issue, it’s ridiculous. What, you think the majority of people like living in monarchies or dictatorships? Seriously, if you’re going to express opinions like this, at least back them up. Don’t just spout rhetoric you’ve heard from other people.

Answer #13

Some people are not ready for the truth.

Answer #14

Of course, I think some adults have the “maturity of a fifth grader” Not all, but a few, when a man guns down another man because his dog went to the restroom in his yard. (Chicago Tribune) How’s that fir “backing up my scources??!”

Answer #15

That doesnt actually prove anything. Or have anything to do with anything. Were you reading Colleen’s how to win an argument and decided to bring up the most pointless thing you could think of in order to confuse me? Because seriously I have no idea what your point is.

Answer #16

I agree with u there and i honestly don’t know. I think it is much better to be who u really are than follow the trends or other people. And I also believe in freedom of speech 2, but I don’t know why people have problems with it. Maybe they’re afraid people won’t like them, or they will be considered ‘uncool’ if they don’t follow everyone else like sheep. They possibly believe that their are ‘right’ ways to act and speak, and ‘wrong’ ways, which is a load of bullshit tbh. I agree with u, think it is far better to be yourself, and not care what others thinks, cos if they don’t like it, too bad.

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