Could I get a PAP smear without my parents knowing even when I'm still a minor?

Answer #1

I did, but the laws vary in differant states, I suggest u call ur doc office and ask them, they shud tell u if u can

Answer #2

Yes. At your age you can tell the doctor / nurse that you require confidentiality from them and they must give you that legal right (barring certain things that wouldn’t usually apply). BUT, if you are using your parents’ insurance to pay, they will know that some sort of doctor’s visit was done. But not WHAT was done. If even that much exposure is too much, you can visit a clinic like Planned Parenthood, which is very reasonably priced - sometimes free. However… A PAP smear is used to detect precancerous cells and every young woman should get one around your age as part of a general health exam. It does not mean that you have been doing something ‘wrong’, but rather that you are taking an active role in protecting your health. Call up your doctor or Planned Parenthood to talk to them about the subject. You may decide that it is something that you and your Mom can discuss rationally. Good Luck!!

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