How many pagan gods apart from Osiris died and rose again?

Answer #1

“Male examples include Osiris, Tammuz,[1] Jesus, Zalmoxis, Dionysus,[2] and Odin. Female examples are Inanna, also known as Ishtar, whose cult dates to 4000 BCE, and Persephone, the central figure of the Eleusinian Mysteries, whose cult may date to 1700 BCE as the unnamed goddess worshiped in Crete.” Taken from: Just remember Google is your friend.

Answer #2

dude thank you for that last statement. i have looked all over the place for someone to say that. anytime i think of saying it, it seems a bit harsh. it bugs me that people dont use it. dude thank you for saying it so nicely. Man are people unreal (rhetorical) ? thanks again.

Answer #3

Two people searching for something do not always find the same thing - that’s why I value the eyes and minds on this site :)

Answer #4

Can’t think of many. @ Odin, I’m not too sure if Odin would be listed as one of them ,might you site me your resource please?

Answer #5

Wiki on Osiris, also, and rather a lot if u search on: osiris died rose. You might substitute ‘resurrection’ for ‘rose’ as well. If u can know of any visuals apart from the major museum papyri, that wd be really useful.

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