should kids be allowed to play 18 rated video games?

Answer #1

Personally I don’t think so. There is a reason those games are R18. Nudity, sexual or explicit content, extreme violence etc. I don’t see why kids these days aren’t content with mario brothers and crash bandicoot.

Answer #2

Absolutely not. I have let my kids play mature games (they’re 9 and 8) only a few times…in small doses, and only b/c they’d seen me play.

Yes, I know - probably not good. However, it’s not a routine thing and much of the content if you play all the way through, etc, isn’t young kids.

However…if they are say, 13-16, I don’t see anything wrong with it, if they are exposed to the nightly news, they get similar violence on television in the USA.

Answer #3

in my opinion no. especially not car racing or killing ones. its actually a fact that kids who play games like grand theft auto are more likley to speed when they get there license.

Answer #4

where are these statistics?

Answer #5

its so annoying when they come to you and say but my friend is allowed to play them..

Answer #6

like above i think it is wrong because when they grow up they act like life is a video game

Answer #7

That all depends on your definition of kids…to me, a kid is anyone under the age of 13…so, considering that, then no, but I think anyone 13 and up can, for the most part, handle it…however, the parents need to pay attention and decide for themselves whether their young teens are mature enough to handle it.

Answer #8

I think its different for every individual kid. I always played 18 rated games when I was little like resident evil (I think its an 18) and all the others, and I turned out fine. They actually taught me some things, but I never saw something happen in a game and try to act it out in real life because I knew it was all fiction, mostly.

Answer #9

The only thing I would be a bit iffy about letting kids play on is ‘live’ on xbox or online on PS3 and be able to be contacted and contact people they didnt know, because people can be really nasty on there and it can upset even me let alone a kid.

Answer #10

you wanna here what some say while playing left 4 dead 2… would make a childs toe curl

Answer #11

I don’t think so. I never really played mature rated games until I was eighteen, although there are some games rated R that I think are semi okay for kids to play. I’ve got two younger brothers who liked to watch me play video games, and there were a couple games I would let them watch me play or try out for themselves. Some of the games are rated R just for flat out violence, and some games are better than others.

Answer #12

lool its when Im on COD and im kickin someones @ss so they start hurling insults saying I must be fat to be a girl on xbox and blady bla its atrocious! lol

Answer #13

and I dnt play left 4 dead 2 online its so confusin lol

Answer #14

the only ppl like that are kids waggin school. adult pc gamers would never insult a girl like that. and your not fat at all. l4d2 is wicked and teh only way it should be played is online ;) ill have to teach you 1 day :p

Answer #15

lool u got xbox?

Answer #16

Everyone knows Matty is a PC gamer XP

Answer #17

in science magazines like new scientist

Answer #18

cassie is right i only do games on my pc. but i was thinking like a film, dinner and then game for a few hours with a few beers. lol i wish cross platform gaming was more games than the few they have. lost planet is cross platform but its a 3rd person shooter and crap.

Answer #19

scan them please. i dont want links cus the internet is full of crap

Answer #20

I was always allowed to play Mature games. I was like 8 or 9 when I first started playing them. My 7 year old cousin plays them too. I see nothing wrong with it.

Answer #21

i would say that the child should IF she/he is mature enough not to go outside and actually DO those kinds of things. it all depends on whether or not u trust the child

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