Jesus/ Ethnicity?

Since Jesus was born in Jeruselum does that make him an Arab or Middle Eastern, or is Jeus White/Caucausian? Anybody know if Jesus is white or Arabic?

Answer #1


The ancestry of Yeshua Ha Naziriti (Christians know him by the Latin, Jesus of Nazareth) is documented twice in the bible. Matthew (First Chapter, verses 1-20) names every ancestor of Joseph from Abraham to Jesus. Luke (3:23-38) traces his mother’s family all the way to Adam. In Jesus’ day these one could go to the Temple complex in Jerusalem and read the record of any Jew’s birth and lineage(*) the same way we can follow the Land Evidence Record of a property by going to the County Courthouse. Perhaps it is because of that that even Jews who deny Jesus was the Messiah, do not deny that he was in fact a Jew.

As for how Jews look, I suggest that such stereotypes as have been mentioned are terribly misleading. The documents of the Persia (5-600 years B.C.), mention Jews living in every one of its 127 provinces of the empire–which extended from Africa to India and into Europe. To say Jews look like Arabs is to have missed the impact of the diaspora entirely.

To think that the Holy Family look like those pasty-faced Europeans portrayed in cathedrals is equally ludicrous. Such paintings were likely commissioned by the wealthy–like the corrupt families of Italy and the Spanish Conquistadors–who were willing to pay to have themselves imortalized as saints.

(*) These ancient family records were deliberately destroyed by the Romans when they tried to annihilate Judaism in the year 70 CE.

Answer #2

I must thank torikeene for at least saying that He would look like the arabs and jews “in the middle east”. I get a little tired of the stock answer “he would look like a jew”, you know dark hair, dark eyes, dark skin (at least they leave out the big nose part). as a blonde, blue eyed, pale jew I find that those descriptions stereotype and are offensive and quite honestly incorrect. Following the defeat of the Kingdom of Israel and the Kingdom of Judah, the Jewish people were dispersed throughout the Middle East, especially in Egypt, Yemen and Mesopotamia. By the height of the Roman Empire, Jewish communities could be found in nearly every notable settlement throughout the Empire, as well as scattered communities found in settlements beyond the Empire’s borders in northern Europe and in Africa. In the east, Jewish communities could be found throughout Parthia and in empires even further east including India and China. Jews could also be found in eastern Europe and southwestern Asia. so again to torikeene, thanks for pointing out “in the middle east” that makes your observation correct.

Answer #3

Jesus was Jewish, and born in the Middle East. I assume (assume mind you) that he would look like the Arabs and Jews in that area of the world. I don’t think he was white, I think a lot of people just picture him that way because it makes him easier to relate to

Answer #4

Skin color is based on heritage, and your ancestors skin colors are based on climate/ sun protection and genes. Thus, Jesus would have likely been dark haired, dark eyed and dark skinned. not to say that for certain, he could have had blue eyes or sandy blonde hair (very unlikely but its possible). But for certain he would have had darker skin (not African American dark) but middle eastern. And even if he hadn’t he would have had darker skin from working in the sun all day.

Answer #5

This is a reconstruction of a skull from first century Jerusalem. I posted it on another question before. Because it’s from a first century Jew living in the right area, archaeologists have suggested that it’s a reasonable guess that Jesus looked similar.

Answer #6

Yes, thanks free2, that’s fascinating.

Answer #7

Uhm what torikeene said

Answer #8

thank you for the informative answer.

Answer #9

Jesus was a jew there is no way to get a round that, he was a desended of David on both mary’s side and his foster father’s side. He refured to him self as a son of David and others refured to him the same. He refured to him self as the Son of Man And the Son of God. He did have a Mobiteist in his linish, Ruth, and a Cannaite, Rahab from Jerico. the truth is we do not know exactly what He looked like. The Law of moses forbayed immages and a drawing or statue would be considered an immage. The Romans had a lot of gods and statues that were an afrount to the Jews in Juda at that time. The real nutty Emperes, Coligia, and Nero were after Jesus. The paintings you usally see of Jesus being white Eurpion are becuse it was Eurpions who painted the pictures. I have seen some done by Africans and He is black, and Aisians paint him yellow. This is becuse when a painter paints a picture and he does not have some thing to go on he paints the subjict like him self. It has nothing to do with who comissioned the painting, or arigents it is that we know our selves best and it is naturial to paint ourselves. Atariotypes are generalitys and they are never 100% right, it comes down to most or many. I can understand Jewish people being senitive about staireo typing becuse they have been and still are subiject to stario typing that is intende to potray them as evel as an excuse to eradicat them from the face of the earth. I do not agree with the people who do shuch evil things, and God will never let that happen.

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