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Is the world really going to end in 2012?
Im so scared! Is it? Everyone says yes…
naw… People in my class say it is. But I don’t believe it will. My Sci. teacher said that the world was going to end one time in the past, but it didn’t.
just because the mayan calendar says that it doesn’t mean it’s true. Actually it’s supposed to be the end of the world by hurricanes. The truth is that that calendar has been proven to be wrong and the only reason the calendar stopped at that day is because the mayans dissapeared and they didn’t actually finish building that calendar and that’s just the truth!
How many times are people going to ask this question, and how many times are people going to say the same stupid things?
NO ONE SAID THE WORLD WAS GOING TO END IN THE YEAR 2000! Everyone just thought that after 1999 computers wouldn’t recognize the year 2000 and would instead go back to 0001, and you can imagine the countless technological SNAFUs that would result in such an occurrence.
The date of December 21st, 2012 being doomsday is based on the Mayan calendar, but NEVER DID THE MAYANS ACTUALLY PREDICT OR PROPHECIZE THAT 12/21/12 IS THE DAY THE WORLD WILL END! It’s just simply the last day on their calendar.
But maybe, by coincidence, it will. But NOTHING supports such a claim.
-- this really stupid guy in my class says that and everyone else is so annoyed by him. --
Only God knows. If we see 200 million soldiers converging on Jerusalem, then it will be very close as prophisied in the Bible as Christ’s second coming.
personally, I think that the theory that says that is unlogical, people have twisted minds and can make things up from anything… I could say that if you broke an hour glass that time would stop, but would you believe me???no because it is unlogical…
No one knows the day or the hour (except God the Father).
Live every day as if its your last day on earth; one day, you will be right.
People have been naming dates since forever. I remember when a group of people (the Heaven’s Gate cult) killed themselves in 1997 because they thought that the Hailbop Commet was really a spaceship coming to take them away or destroy the world or something along those lines. If someone starts naming dates, smile and nod and make a mental note that that person has no clue what they’re talking about.
I personally suspect that a Tampa Bay Devil Rays World Series victory might do the trick, but that’s just because they’re terrible.
why does it matter..just live for now. if you live restrained by fear of the future, you won’t want the days to pass..just make sure you are happy..that you do good things..be kind…be careful..be free…don’t worry about it man…if it ends..it ends. Do you want to look back and think, “man..I was so afraid of this moment that I forgot to enjoy life.”
ok seriously think back about 9 years ago, 1999, when they said the world was going to end in 2000. well im still waitin… lol! =D anyway remember 6-6-06? the world was supposed 2 end then 2? never happened. no one knows for sure. I hate all those prophacy tabloids. if anyone I know buys them I like 2 read them 4 a good laugh! =) only God knows when the worlds going to end.
personally I dont think it will, the mayan peoples calender and how they knew about 12-21-2012 is astounding in itself but…this is also coming from the same people who thought sacrifices made the sun rise and fall everyday. I believe there will be a shift in all the weather patterns, this isnt happening over night either. look around!!! maybe another ice age, maybe.
only GOD knows when the world will end it could end in 2012 but I really dought it caus it could end at any time.
I dont belive it will end I just sumething bad will happen
With absolute certainty — NO!!!*
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you never no.dont worry about the future,worry about now.
there is no proof that it will, but anything is possible
errm thats what the myans predicted
I’m not sure.
I hope not, because it’s going to end on my best friend’s birthday!
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