Why are there so many illegal immigrants in USA?

What do the government do about it?

Answer #1

Because each day its getting harder to live in some forgein countrys, some people have children to feed, or need a better living condition, so tey turn the the usa for a better life. Specially with all the problems that are going on. Some people are looking for better jobs, they are unsafe where they are e.c.t. Also because they are making it more and more harder to get pappers here, if they make it impossible how do people expect for them to do it the right way? I’m not saying it cant be done, but here where I live it takes way too much time, and showing this, showing that and on and on. The goverment is doing all this stuff, from making jew laws, to seeing if they can somehow help out the people who have been here along time and what not. But its nt their main focus, they got bigger things to worry about.

Answer #2

There’s illegal immigrants in all countries, especially developed countries. And the reason there’s a lot in the U.S. is simple, there’s a need. There’s a need for people to do jobs that citizens dont want to do. Manual labor, farming, cleaning, etc. If there were people willing to do those jobs, the number of immigrants coming in would be a lot lower, because there simply wouldnt be jobs for them to do. It’s a simple supply-demand principle. It isnt any more complicated than that.

Answer #3

Sorry Ty, I have to disagree with you on that. I think that there are plenty of americans who would do this work at a fair wage. The illegals coming here are willing to work for much less than americans are willing to work for. That is the problem, and until we do something about the empoyers who hire illegals, we will never see any change illegal immigration. The GOP has only played lip service to this problem as they do not what there buddies in business to lose the steady stream of cheap labor. This is true expecially in big aggra companies that hire tens of thousands of illegals. It is supply and demand. If we would clamp down on the demand for cheap labor, the supply would go away. Wages in this country have been falling because of illegal labor. If we were to stem the tide of illegal labor, all wages would rise.

Answer #4

There is so many because it is becoming harder and harder to be legal. Remember it wasn’t always illegal but it was always plentiful. You just had to pay for your boat trip. Then more people came and they stopped entry. Then they had the green card. It used to be easy to get your green card. I know many people in my country who had it for yrs and never lived in the states. Then in the past decade they actually got it taken away. It is now a case where you may not even get a visiting visa. Basically people who want to be in the states will go there and the harder it is to be there the more illegal immigrants are going to be there. I personally love the states and I like visiting. I have family living there legally and I don’t come a family that would break the law. I am just happy knowing that I am legal, wherever I am. But some people don’t have much choice and don’t fear being caught compared to where they are. A place that your ancestors were not too far from when they came to the US. My ancestors came to Trinidad. Lol.

Answer #5

There is so many because it is becoming harder and harder to be legal. Remember it wasn’t always illegal but it was always plentiful. You just had to pay for your boat trip. Then more people came and they stopped entry. Then they had the green card. It used to be easy to get your green card. I know many people in my country who had it for yrs and never lived in the states. Then in the past decade they actually got it taken away. It is now a case where you may not even get a visiting visa. Basically people who want to be in the states will go there and the harder it is to be there the more illegal immigrants are going to be there. I personally love the states and I like visiting. I have family living there legally and I don’t come a family that would break the law. I am just happy knowing that I am legal, wherever I am. But some people don’t have much choice and don’t fear being caught compared to where they are. A place that your ancestors were not too far from when they came to the US. My ancestors came to Trinidad. Lol.

Answer #6

Sorry now realised that u don’t live in the US. But I’m sure u get my point. Lol.

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