Who tnks immigrants supposed to have rights to work on USA

who tnks that crossing immigrants supposed to hve rights to work here?

Answer #1

I probably have a different view of illegal immigration than most liberals. I think the only way to stop them from coming and/or make them leave, is to severely crack down on employers who hire them. It is simple supply and demand, if there is no demand for cheap illegal labor, there will be no supply. If they can’t find a job they will get legal, or leave. I don’t buy the line that they are doing jobs other americans won’t do. Americans won’t do them at those wages maybe, but given a failr living wage, they will. I think by continuing the turn-a-blind-eye immigration policy is hurting everyone, and driving down all of our wages.

I also think the proposals for a guess worker program is terrible. It will create a permanent subserviant class in the US that allows a certain segment of society to be legal treated as second class citizens.

Answer #2

You are right amoeba. And I wasn’t being contridicatory to you. Sorry if it seemed that way. I knew you weren’t condoning those policies. I was just adding to you comments.

Answer #3

I think it’s a crime to criminalize the ability of people to earn a living.

Illegal immigration is not the same as murder folks. It’s more like speeding.

Answer #4

This country has turned a blind eye to illegal immigration for years… because…this country benefits from illegal immigration. Illegal immigrants mow our lawns, paint our homes, watch our children, harvest our crops, build our homes and cook our food for bottom wages. Doing so, they provide consumers with affordable services that people in most other industrialized countries can only dream of. People were more than happy to have inexpensive food, cheap nannies, housekeepers, cheap labor of any kind. Construction companies regularly employ illegal immigrants.

now that it is a political hot topic, suddenly everyone has an opinion and a problem with it…

Answer #5

why?? I tnk thy should.

Answer #6

they should be deported- LEGAL IMMIGRATION is the key word here. I have nothing against anyone moving here LEGALLY. but if these people can not respect our laws- and do things the right way- then they do not need to be here. we really need to strengthen our borders- north and south, as well as our southern coastlines in the florida area.

actually your question didn’t mention the words legal or illegal. so I hope I didn’t jump to the wrong conclusion.

Answer #7

I think they should. First of all, half the people I work with are immigrants lol.

If we were to deport them all, that would cost us millions… PLUS, face it, most of the jobs theyre in, we couldnt fill without them.

And they pay taxes and social services, but rarely get that money back since theyre not citizens, so our govt is getting richer… which we obviously need considering how far in debt we are..

plus they are ok with working for minimum wage, lets face it, a white dude wouldnt do it.

PLUS they occupy SO many residential areas… if they were all deported, all that would be empty…

And building a wall… well that would cost us millions, and it wouldnt keep any of them out… they can always go around, over, etc.

Answer #8

I dont.

Answer #9

Good. I don’t want anyone to think that I place the blame on the immigrants. Thanks.

Answer #10

Overall, immigration is good for the US, even if it’s not done the legal way.

Answer #11

Have any of you even tried to see the bigger picture?

If you want a big fat dose of reality then cut and paste this address in your browser.


Answer #12

they should if they come LEGALY!!!

Answer #13

My answer was meant to convey that Americans have allowed illegal immigration to happen for years, because it made things easy for them. The employers are to blame. Anyone who has an illegal immigrant working for them, in whatever capacity, is guilty. Blame the employers, not the immigrants. I do not blame anyone that wants a better life for their family. If you are against illegal immigration, blame and fine the employers. I think that a stable, fair economy and working atmosphere in their own countries would stop much of the illegal aspect. Also no one addresses the fact that many women and children are brought to this country each year, illegally, to serve in the sex trade. This is a large and serious problem and is not addressed. Thes women and children are often sold into service and brought against their will.

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