Answer #1

swordfreak(& Runeblade, pay attention!), you miss the concept of atheist completely, you’re thinking of scientologist. & I just so happen to be kind of a scientologist myself.

THERE’S ANOTHER THEAORY OTHER THAN THE BIG BANG! Two parallel universes collided & created this universe as we know it. The ripples in the universe created the clumps of matter. The smoking gun has been found of the “big bang”, although it could also prove this “new” theory(thogh uit’s been around for nearly a decade if not longer) Supposedly energy always did exist. How this universe was created was by a black hole. There was this massive cloud of gas which collapsed in on itself & made a black hole. The pulling & such of the black hole created a vacuum effect condensing the surrounding gas & making them implode into stars. When the black hole stopped feeding, walla, you have the Milky Way. Planet earth was formed(along with the astral belt & a few other planets) when two planets collided. Earth was close enough, but not to close, to sustain water. The elements & things required to make life have been found on comments(not that Darien’s crap).

Here’s a question, why wouldn’t there be more than 1 God? If he just is, why wouldn’t there be other beings who just are, & if he was created, who isn’t to say there were more than one god. & don’t give ‘because he’s all powerful mighty god’ that’s not answering anything, it’s just an unrelated statement. & if matter isn’t always able to exiest then niether is god because he’s a source of matter, ti-da, common since

I wonder how many people here failed science

Answer #2

Well nlocnil, it may not scientifically be a theory since it can not be tested, but it also can not be ruled out by science either, thus scientifically you can not claim it as untrue.

Answer #3

A theory can not be completely accurate or it would be a LAW. God can not be disproved so it is also a possible theory.

Like I have said before, I am not trying to advocate anything, but I would rather be wrong about God existing, then be wrong about him not existing.

Answer #4

g-d wasnt created, he always existed.nothing caused him to exist because he is causeless. he is infinite and we are bound by physical laws of nature so how on earth can we understand the nature of a being that created us and that is not even physical when we are physical?

Answer #5

In regards to the big bang, there is nothing in big bang theory that suggests the creation of energy. Conservation of energy still applies within the domain of the big bang.

Answer #6

* “I’ve been studying atheism for a couple years and realized its all a pile of crap. “

I would think that after a few years of study, you would have figured out atheism is not a field of study.

Answer #7

this is subject could be argued for AGES I am not sure really, but I believe in god with all my heart. but I know its not possible that we was just always THERE by the way im loving vultureofculture’s answer hahahahah

Answer #8

Actually, the theory of God states that he always existed. So yea, it explains it. We have to face it, either something always existed or something just popped into existence. Thats the only two possible explanations.

I find it just as feasible that God always existed or just popped into existence, as matter and energy always existed or popped into existence.

Answer #9

Ok I will admit Science cant explain that… yet.

But the theory of God cant explane it either …

And I wasnt backing it in the first place

Answer #10

well this is all quite clear… mary: “hey…um…sweetie?” joseph:”what?” mary:”you know how we never…made love?” joseph:”sigh…yeah…” mary:”well…see…an angel came to me…and…” joseph:” JESUS CHRIST!”

and then he appeared in mexico strapped to a burrito…


Answer #11

I really have no idea. I’ve always been taught that he was the begining and the end. he was just there, and I was taught not to question that.

Answer #12

so God just appeared out of thin air and said “im bored. I think im going to create the universe over the next seven days” ?

Answer #13

I rest my case.

Answer #14


Answer #15

NO I didnt’ contradict myself. Science says matter can not be created or destroyed. Simple law of physics. God (in the since of religion) is spiritual and no made of matter.

As for you the x13child. All those theories still require matter and energy, but where did they come from. I am a christian, but I am not claiming that God is real, it is just a personal belief.

As for failing science, I never came close. In fact I have a degree in engineering, so you could say my life revolves around science.

Answer #16

What do you mean you rest your case jello? Let me ask you this. According to physics, energy and matter can neither be created or destroyed. So if we know that energy and matter currently exist, then where did they come from? Did they always exist? For the Big Bang Theory to happen there had to be energy and matter already.

You can either think the Universe and energy and matter had a beginning and wonder how it started, or you can assume they always existed. Why then can you not think that God always existed?

Answer #17

To my knowledge the creator has not been ruled out. Back your claims if you are going to make them.

Answer #18

well if you question gods existence question science,they say life has always existed, do you ever ask them “who created life”?

Answer #19

no one he created us

Answer #20

well then you just contridicted yourself…

God is capable of “always existing” yet matter isnt?

Answer #21

it’s a matter of faith.

Answer #22

Nothing finite can be infinite (eternal). Since the universe is made of finite things (matter, time, space), it therefor must be created by something without time (timeless), thus making it eternal. If it is eternal, it must be infinite, and if its the Creator, it must be God.

The universe changes, and time is the measure of change. How many changes have happened before right now? If you claim an infinite number of changes (which is impossible because you can not have an infinite amount of finite things), it is a logically impossible to conclude we could ever have reached this moment in time. In a world of cause and effect (which we live in), there can not be an infinite regress (an infinite amount of cause and effect reactions to get to a certain cause).

Allow me to rephrase. Imagine that the Earth orbits the sun every 365 days (it does). Now, on Mars, a year is much longer than an Earth year, being 687 Earth days (basically double). So, for every 2 years of Mars, Earth has circled the sun approximately 4 times. Now, imagine that this has been going on for eternity. By your logic, they would both have circled the sun the exact same amount of times, because its been going on forever (this is clearly impossible). This shows the impossibility of an infinite regress, whereby there could not have been an infinite amount of (x) before right now, in a finite universe based on time.

Now, back to God. God exists outside of time, in Eternity. God created time, and time is irrelevant to Him. God is Eternal, not created. Firstly, you have 2 choices; either everything came from nothing (which is impossible), or something always existed and created us. You have no other choice. Take a moment to think about that, remembering that it can not exist in time, that would be impossible. Time can not be eternal.

This thing that always existed would be considered Eternal, having transcended time, space, and matter, being everlasting, having always existed. If you argue this is impossible, I would argue the contrary; it is impossible for this Eternal ‘thing’ to not exist, because the alternative is that nothing existed, which could only produce nothing. So, something always existed, and is therefor Eternal.

Now, for something to be Eternal, it can not consist of time, because time must have had a beginning. We exist in a universe of causality, so an infinite regress is impossible; there could not have been an infinite amount of time before right now, because we never would have reached this moment in time. That means time had a beginning, and whatever created time exists without time, beyond time, in timelessness; Eternity.

So, this Eternal Creator, created time, and the universe. This Eternal Creator clearly is extremely powerful, because the energy of the trillions of stars in the known universe were created by this Creator. And obviously, the Creator is extremely intelligent, having created an intelligent being such as mankind and a world in which to populate with it.

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