How can God be real?

how can god be real if he let my cousin try to rape me?? I just dont get it cus hes supposed to take care of us and not let nething bad happen to us right?? so why did this happen to me??

Answer #1

On His thrown in Heaven where Judgement day, ALL will bow (including Satan) and give an account and the ‘Book of Life’ opened.

Answer #2

wildcat66’s minister nailed it:

What he did was evil and evil is just the absence of God he didnt have god in his heart.

Answer #3

All of us have bad things happen to us (in varying degrees) - just as good things happen to us - hard, but it’s called living life - where God’s love comes in, He provided a WAY (He didn’t have to) for us to live in Heaven with Him, through Jesus Christ - we are born into sin - God cannot even look upon sin - He sent His Son, Jesus, who sacrificed His perfect life on the cross for our sins - without this we had no-chance - Evil (Satan) is also very real - so we each will either accept or reject God’s gift (Salvation through Jesus) - why certain things happen, we’ll never know while on this earth - our thoughts are not His thoughts and our ways are not His ways - so for all of us, at times, life is very hard but along with those valleys, we have peaks and He promises to see you through the valleys…Hope this helps !!

Answer #4

Between here and then, Ablessed, do you justify what happened to Getto mami gg on the bases that God was not in her coussin’s heart but was sitting on his throne in heaven? This is not a game Amblessed. This is about a real person in very difficult circumstances who has a very reasonable question about an extremely SERIOUS matter. People like Getto mami gg are promised an awful lot by people like you when all is cosy and safe, but when things get serious and hot questions are asked, you hide behind your dogmatic and stereotypical waffle! It is people like you that drive people like me into atheism. I am not sure what captainassassin means with DM, but ‘bad’ looks not out of place. See you at Judgement Day, Amblessed!

I have more than enough of this nonsense!

My thoughts are with you Getto mami gg. I hope you will get through this. Take your time and find help from people that you can trust. All the best.

Answer #5

Look, I was a bit annoyed when I posted my reply, but it may be clear that Getto mami gg needed help urgently during her terrible confrontation, and it was simply not there. Also not from God! This absence of immediately required divine action seems standard all over the world regardless of biblical promises and it clearly devastates lives. In that light, I think her opening question is very justified and I share her doubts. Many people pray for prompt help and safety (for themselves or others). Those prayers are not related to any quest for luxery or any personal spiritual credit gain for a comfortable afterlife, but are urgent cries for intervention against a real threat. OFTEN… these cries are not answered. And don’t tell me that it is all part of God’s plan. Besides that that would be cruel and an insult to all those who are suffering, I somehow doubt that God uses rapists and murderes as his personal tools to execute a plan. And the notion that God helps through the actions of other people also casts doubts: does he truly operate through the local safe-house that is run by lesbian atheists who are supporting victims of sexual abuse by religious clergy? Does he?

Answer #6

I believe that God both can and will protect us from harm, but, the key to that is prayer. …

  1. Are you a Christian? If not, you have no claim to his promises.

  2. Do you pray constantly for his protection? If not, how can you expect it?

  3. Do you ask others to pray for you, for protection? The more prayers that you have going up on your behalf, the better your hedge of protection.

  4. Do you see in Gods word, what is said about his provision and protection? If not,
    how or why do you expect to work for you?

  5. What does it take to get God to actively work in ones life?

  6. How much time to you devote to following the will of the Lord for your life?

  7. Do you believe that there is a spirit world that is working against us, at all times?

  8. If not, how do you plan to deal with this if you don’t even believe it is real?

  9. What do you believe is the origin of good and evil?

  10. If you believed in Gods protection, how do you think he would achieve it?

  11. Where do you believe that all the bad in the world comes from ?

  12. Do you believe that there will be a day in which the evil will stop? And if so, How?

Answer #7

alright… people tend to do this… blame every bad thing on God… and not glorify him for the good things…

God is incapable of comitting evil… God created man… And man IS EVIL.

but you have to understand… There is God… and there is Satan. God didn’t allow it…

Satan did… And you’re question said he TRIED to rape you.

Don’t you think that God is the reason he didn’t?

Sometimes you have to think outside of the box.

Answer #8

The thing is, I don’t want to be Christian simply out of fear of NOT being Christian, which is a major factor, namely, fear of going to He!!. If that’s their main argument, I’m not sure I want to follow a God who would allow that type of thing.

Answer #9

Okay, god is always there to help us. always, you must never forget that. Second, you have to know that god doesn’t do bad, that’s where satan steps in. Thirdly I have a question for you, are you a christian, do you believe in god. Or are you one of those people who blames god in times of troube.

Answer #10

According to christians, God gave all humans free will, And it was your cousin’s will to try to hurt you, Therefore, God cannot help youu. If he was real, he should be able to stop natural disasters, but chooses not too. But I dont believe hes there, or was ever there.

Answer #11

Thats a tough question.. I always heard that God does protect us, but protects us from our decisions. Not from someone trying to rape you. He don’t protect us physically but mentally.

Im no religious person, I don’t really know anything.

Answer #12

Floss, it has nothing to do with “deserve”, as none of us deserve anything from God, it has everything to do with faith. If you read the bible, it will tell you that faith is what it takes to please God. That is a prerequisite to his promises,without faith, it is impossible to please him. His promises are to the household of faith, and until you enter, you have no right to anything. Me included. That is the way God has set it forth, in his word, he offers forgiveness, to us, even when we don’t deserve it, and he offers help also, but, both come by faith.

As for natural disasters, God does have the power to stop them, but, he does nothing on this earth, without our prayers, when we pray, God moves, if we do not pray… things stay the same as they were.

Sometimes God uses natural forces to get our attention, sometimes he stops bad things from happening, because we pray, sometimes bad things happen to test our faith, sometimes Satan intervenes to cause bad things to happen,sometimes it is just nature at work, so, there are a lot of reasons as to why things happen, but, the main thing that we need to know is that God hears our prayers, and wants our faitfulness. When we come to him in prayer, and forsake our sins, he has an open ear to our hearts cry. Sin can and will block our prayers. Yet, not all bad things happen because of sin, sometimes bad things just happen.

Answer #13

I know how you feel. As another survivor of sexual abuse, rape and incest it’s hard to fathom WHY things like this happen.

It doesn’t matter if you believe in God or not.

There are bad people in this world that do bad things. Know that it isn’t your fault. What your cousin did was wrong. RAINN can help you. Call them, it’s free and confidential. 1.800.656.HOPE

If you need someone to talk to and need some support, feel free to funmail me anytime.

Answer #14

Getto mami gg, It embarrasses me that you are confronted with this preposterous exhibition of proof-of-god’s-existence, and the sometimes repulsive moral code that comes with it. When I read your post, it seemed to me, once again, that God is either deaf, blind, powerless, in agreement with your ordeal, not real, or… whatever! Much more IMPORTANT: are you o.k? Are you safe now? Please remember: there are lots of people who are prepared to constructively support you NOW!! much more than God seemingly, regardless of his existence! Look it up on the Net, ring a help-line! Share it with someone you can trust!

Answer #15

Well ,he cant contorl people and what they do while their living only after they’ve died. What your cousin did to you was wrong and will be punished by god for doing so. And think bout it this way God has not only you but the WHOLE WORLD to watch over ,things are bound to happen.

Answer #16

God gave everyone free will, to do what they wanted but that doesn’t mean to be disobedient to God. when God created Adam and Eve, God asked all the Angels to bow down to Adam, all did exept Iblis (Devil) and for that Iblis was sent to hell but Iblis also made a deal with God that he would deceive and betray mankind to do evil against God resulting in disobedience. That is why eveil is on earth. You can’t blame God for some one else’s actions.

Answer #17

If you want to look at it that way, you should first take a look at yourself. Your questions so far are a good indicator of the kind of person you are and the kind of lifestyle you have.

Maybe if you’re like the nicest and goodest person on earth - who has done everything to please God and only to please God - you have the right to complain. As it is, you don’t.

Answer #18

who told you that GOD stops bad things from happening to u. there is no writing or teaching that says “GOD will not let bad things happen to you” bad things happen in life to all people. some just worse than others but what God can and will do is help you through it. dont look at God that way cause it will only make you mad inside when you realize that bad things are going to happen. I am sorry for what happend or almost happened to you and if you would like ill kick your cousins a$$ myself if it will make you feel better.

Answer #19

that question is tough. god does not make destions 4 someone god helps people there are many things that we dont know about him and in the bible it seys not to make an image about him there was probelly a reason why this happened to you maybe one day YOU will be helping younger girls in this stiuation I dont exactly know why but maybe you need to be fafthful in what you belive in no one can tell you what you can belive in so just trust yourself balive in what you want to belive in

Answer #20

The above post was given by me, Silverwings, sorry, it came up as Bro. Kwame, he was having a hard time getting signed in, so he asked me to set up his account, and when I posted, I failed to sign in in my own name.

Answer #21

Wielkopolski…your statement would make you a deist, instead of a theist.

Deism — The belief that a god or gods exists, but does not interact with the universe.

I agree with you that there is ONE GOD, and that he created the universe, and then turned it over to his creation, to see after. I do not agree that he will not interact with us, because he does, continually, but, you will not see it, unless your heart is right before him, and you approach him with faith.

Answer #22

how my minister put it:

what he did was evil and evil is just the absence of God he didnt have god in his heart

Answer #23

Silverwings, faith may be what it takes to please God, fair enough, but it’s not what it takes to make God love us, as I’m sure you’d agree.

So God is crying for getto-mami-gg, as any loving parent would be for their child in this situation. Children may be far from us in terms of their love and obedience, but we wouldn’t use this kind of event to tell them off. We’d start with a hug (I hope). This wouldn’t stop us from helping them to address their behavious/beliefs at a later time, but the first thing, as it says in the Bible, is to love.

‘We love, because he first loved us.’ We don’t love God in order to be loved by him or to gain his approval. We just love him because he’s already shown his love for us.

Answer #24

Hey, some Christians here seem to be implying that she doens’t deserve God’s sympathy unless she’s a Christian. That is so wrong…

So, maybe people who don’t know God do blame him when things go wrong.

That’s no excuse for people who do know him to get them!

Are you OK, getto-mammi-gg?

I know God is wanting to help you, and that most people here are praying for you, even though I’ve just ranted at them! They do want the best for you…

Answer #25

This questions sounds more like a cry for help than a request for theological answers. Are you OK, getto Have you got people around you to help you? I really do believe God wants to help you, and that some of the answers given above are true enough, but the first thing is, do you still feel in danger? Have you got people around you who can protect you or could this happen again? I’ll pray for you but you need people around you who can help you where you are. That is going to be part of God’s way of bringing you through this. God bless you.

Answer #26

DM = Dungeon Master

hangs head in shame

Answer #27

shakes head

You sound like a really bad DM.

Answer #28

I agree Amblessed. God was not in his heart. Where was he?

Answer #29

Look up psalms 37 3-5. That’s my advice

Answer #30

god never said it was going to be easy… but he said it’s going to be worth it

Answer #31

look that is evil but is not god doing, god is real

Answer #32

god knows what is good for you and he knows more than you and at the right time he will repair

Answer #33

I don’t think God helps anyone. Except these religious people that are like “WHAT WOULD JESUS DO”..

Answer #34

If you truly want to know whether God is real or not, you must forget your feelings and examine the facts.

And if you think the Christian god cares enough about women to protect them from rape, you might want to reread the OT. Women are considered as nothing more than property - just like children and those in the womb.

Answer #35

im a theist, he left after he created the earth. he cares about us but has a lack of power to control us.

Answer #36

Dude, just blame it on Adam & Eve. The Church does it, we should all do it too because 75% of us are sheep.

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