How do I deal with strangers asking me for this stuff?

Since I was 15 or 16 I walk all over the streets of central tucson and all these people approach me and ask if I have drugs like cigaretts weed joints and I think heroin and bud and I always tell them no because I don’t and it just drives me nuts I feel like shouting nooo!!! Goddammit!!! I don’t smoke! I dont do drugs! Get the fuc away from me motherfucer! You know any advice?

Answer #1

ok. now I wouldnt blame you if one day you were walking and the SAME person came to you again, after several times, and asked you for drugs… to cuss them out! that would be very mean so I wouldnt recommened it, but I guess it would show that person that you really dont own anything! you know??

but you can just I gueess, be patient and learn how to hold your impatience back… tell them I dont- adn maybe prove it to them if its possible. or if ud like 2 waste your time and speak to them on how drugs are bad for u- then why not! loll there can be many things to say, just remember to “think before you speak” its better to listen quick and answer slowly… its a saying worth acting. hope that helps you out, those are osme ideas I MYSELF wud do. or justt yeah walk away or even threaten to report them to the police (threaten them nicly lol) if they ask you again.. so hopefull theyll remeber your face and gett away. you ko???// lol

Answer #2

lol snap I’d start selling bahaha…good demand and good market…my heads all about business…I knew a drug dealer once he told me be smart enough to sell but not dumb enough to buy.

You do know I’m just talking right I’m not actually doing it bahahaha…

Answer #3

I agree with rockstar_wannabe geta a shirt printed saying quote

“ nooo!!! Goddammit!!! I don’t smoke! I dont do drugs! Get the fuc away from me motherfucer! “

or get a gun, what ever is most easy for you

Answer #4

wear an anti drug tshirt. lol. this one dude asked my friend for jacks, and when he said he had none, the dude sucker punched him so hard that he hit the floor. :O

Answer #5

maybe its just because of the area you live in…stereotypes ???

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