How can I make my dad calm down?

One day he is super nice and the next he gets so mad at me for being on the computer and he goes around swearing and when I try to calm him down he says go away or get the ff away and next day he is fine an says sorry and he call me mean names like a f up and a beach what do I do

Answer #1

So talk to your mom and meaby a family member very close to him so he can seek help because mood swings may be a sighn of biopolar disease e.c.t

Answer #2

I don’t think there’s much you can do…it sounds like your dad may be dealing with a disorder like manic depression or bipolar.

I doubt you can convince him to seek help, but perhaps you can talk to your mother (if she’s still in the picture?) and see if she can get him to see a therapist.

Answer #3

You’re not alone, that’s exactly my dad. It’s hard to keep up with the mood swings, but just think..he is older, goes threw a lot so he just takes out his anger on you, just pretend it doesn’t bother you and do exactly as he says, he’ll soon see how he’s being real disrespectful especially if you’re doing exactly as he asks.

Answer #4

He could just have anger problems or something. I know it sounds weird, but my dad does that sometimes too. I just stay away from him for a while, and then he will start coming to you. He could just be having a bad day, and he might not relize that he is taking it out on you. Don’t worry about it hun, if it gets to bad though, you may need to talk to someone about it. Good luck, and I hope things will be ok.

  • Advice Girl. :]
Answer #5

Yes my mom is still in the picture

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