How do I deal with my friend's suicide?

omg my friend just commited suicide yesterday and im really sad. anyways, my best friend told me he came to her and told her he wantd her to come to hell with him helllp im freakin out is that even possible? or is she just grieving and do you think it was a dream???

Answer #1

honey its me the mother luv123 sweety I want to be your friend. sweety just when you miss your friend remember he or she would want you to remember the great times you shared and be happy that that person is in a great place with no pain just peacefullness. and that person will always be with you in your heart.

Answer #2

thanks. my favorite bible verse comes out of Psalms… I don’t know how im going to do at the funeral. bad probably.

Answer #3

hey pray I know how you feel my ex commited suicide and he hung himeself and im really sad even know it was back in october 30th 2007 it still is like only yesterday good luck hope you get better:):)

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