What is a goth's beliefs?

what is a Goth? what are their beliefs?

Answer #1

sigh Subculture not style not labile not genre(though it does have it’s own genre) not religion not trend of fashion seen yells though microphine SUBCULTRE!!!

Answer #2

A goth is a person who likes to listen to gothic rock: Bauhaus, Sisters of Mercy, Sex Gang Children, Virgin Prunes, etc.

There is no set of beliefs for goths, because goth is not a religion or anything like that.

Answer #3

well actually it involves all the things listed above! but its mainly a person who wears all black (not crap from hot toppic) lace is poular, as well as big stompy boots and stuff music is emotion, gothic music, rick, metal…but a style of dress doesnt necessarily mean you like certain types of music they can like any kind, as well as every other sterotyope there is they dont have a religion, unless they choose to beleive in one

Answer #4

Goth is a subculture started in the 1979 by post punk bands look it up in Widipika(or however you spell that 1) it’ll give ya a good base I guess & here http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Goth_subculture


There is no set beleif system for Goth either though most are Christains. Only 33% of Goths have an occult based religion

read the pic I know there’s a few spelling errors(typoes) I did it so I wouldn’t have to re exaplin everything at one point it’ll give ya a good base too

Answer #5

A goth is a way of life. A style..people stereo type it. They are the ones who usually like dark cloting and the rock style. There are many types of goths. Just like gangsters and preps and goth is also a group. Unlike what people do on movies that goths are geeks and all is not true. They are usually hard-core on things and most of the time apathetic. Metal, grunge, hard rock are usually theire fave music. Just like rap to gangsters and ext. It’s just a life style. Beliefes..there arent really..you chose your pathway

Answer #6

yeah a goth isnt a religion… it is a style(gothic cathedral) and way of life(goth people)… like emo, prep skater, jock… stuff like that.

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