What general type of crime can get you a year+ in prison?

Answer #1


Answer #2

murder. :P

Answer #3

Reckless driving in my state can get you a maximum of 8 years in state prison.

Answer #4

any type of sexual crime, all the ones already listed, forgery, fraud, check deception of an amount over 500 bucks, any theft over 500 bucks, identity theft, arson, the list goes on and on..

Answer #5

marijuana possession, if you have lots of it…. if you breach your probation. break and enter,

Answer #6

It depends on the laws of your state and how the bills are passed. Also in some states non violent offenders and first timers may be sentenced to 1+ year but actually only serve a portion of it for earning good time which credits off days. In Illinois for instance, 1 year non violent and 1st timer has 50% of his time cut off for good behavior. And when MGT was in effect they could get an additional 90 days….Hence they only served 3 months max for a full year sentence. However, the same does not hold true for all states as the laws differ so greatly.

Answer #7

In the state of Illinois, driving on a revoked or suspended license is catagorized and dealt with, the same as a DUI

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