Do you think Gandhi could have been like Jesus only in an Indian version?

Answer #1

No, lol.

Answer #2

If he was born a few thousand years before, yes.

Answer #3

I can not stand laughing to this….LOL…

Answer #4

Ok its a pretty stupid question but y’know Gandhi was a great guy. I went to a museum in Delhi dedicated to him and it showed his last steps and it was cool. There were all these quotes and it was a great museum. He was basically a saint…

Answer #5

I think so. Gandhi is considered a prophet by some, and many think that that’s just was Jesus was too. Then again, Jesus’ time was filled with people claiming to be prophets, or sons and daughters of God, but for some reason, he stuck out. He was special, and his stories and those written about him stuck, and were passed on. Well, I’m sure if people thought that Gandhi was the son of God, and that the only way to heaven was through him, yeah, they would be worshiping him and throwing themselves down at his feet too. I don’t know if he would have let them, but they would have tried. I don’t know, I think it’s possible, if things were just a little different. Gandhi wasn’t fighting for the same things Jesus was, I guess. Jesus wasn’t really fighting for anything specific. Gandhi was working toward a good cause, and he died too soon. It’s said that Jesus died just in time, in order to save everyone else, but I don’t think I can speculate on that one, I’m not religious.

Answer #6

I think there are great people in all religious traditions whose lives teach us the same basic underlying values, like love, compassion, solidarity, the sacredness of every person, joy in life, non-violent struggle for dignity and justice, humility, faithfulness, self-restraint, awe in the face of indescribable grandeur, and responsibility to each other and to the earth.

Answer #7

like jesus?? no…. some ideologies maybe similar btwn them but two very diff time and personalities!!!! but gandhi wud def count among exmples of great jesus himself!!

Answer #8

Actually wasn’t intending humor, but glad I could get some people smiling today :)

Answer #9

Thanx guys for your opinions. But just to clear up I didn’t mean like son of god or same time period. I just meant in a way like another “savior” who came down to earth.

Answer #10

There is only one “Savior” JESUS…and they’ll never be another. Gandhi didn’t suffer the worst possible death to make a way for sinners to get to Heaven, only Jesus, who was without sin was capable of doing that.

Answer #11

FOR 2,000 years now, much attention has been focused on the birth of Jesus. According to the first-century physician Luke, a young virgin named Mary was told by an angel: “Look! you will conceive in your womb and give birth to a son, and you are to call his name Jesus.” What did the angelic messenger say about Jesus? “This one will be great and will be called Son of the Most High,” he said. “He [Jesus] will rule as king,” and “there will be no end of his kingdom.”—Luke 1:31-33.

not even close, Jesus was a perfect man on earth he had no sin of any kind, unlike gandhi he was an unperfect man, because he came from adam and even who inherited everyone sin.

Answer #12

Ok then what were Gandhi’s sins? I can’t name one and I learned a lot about him when I went to Delhi

Answer #13

I don’t know what he did, But like I said everyone including Gandhi are born with sin and death, so its impossible to sin and die. Although Gandhi was a good man and had good behavior and good intentions we can’t look at him as a saint or someone comparible with Jesus Christ.

Jesus lived in heaven as a spirit person before he came to earth. He was God’s first creation, and so he is called the “firstborn” Son of God. (Colossians 1:15; Revelation 3:14) Jesus is the only Son that God created by himself. Jehovah used the prehuman Jesus as his “master worker” in creating all other things in heaven and on earth. (Proverbs 8:22-31; Colossians 1:16, 17) God also used him as His chief spokesman. That is why Jesus is called “the Word.”—John 1:1-3; Revelation 19:13.

God sent His Son to the earth by transferring his life to the womb of Mary. So Jesus did not have a human father. That is why he did not inherit any sin or imperfection. God sent Jesus to earth for three reasons: (1) To teach us the truth about God (John 18:37), (2) to maintain perfect integrity, providing a model for us to follow (1 Peter 2:21), and (3) to sacrifice his life to set us free from sin and death. Jesus died and was resurrected by God as a spirit creature, and he returned to heaven. (1 Peter 3:18) Since then, God has made him a King. Soon Jesus will remove all wickedness and suffering from this earth.—Psalm 37:9-11; Proverbs 2:21, 22. So we see that unlike Gandhi, Jesus was Gods first creation thus he lived in heaven before he came to earth and he returned to heaven after he was sacrificed.

Answer #14

i don’t believe Gandhi could have been like Jesus because for one Gandhi is not God and for another Gandhi didn’t die for everyone so that they could be saved by their sins and so that they could have salvation.

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