Can a butcher be a spiritual too?

I wonder how people who kill others pretend to be a saint. Its just impossible? What do you think?

Answer #1

This might be helpful silverwings- India, being an agriculture society in its early days, found the cow useful not only for milk but also for plowing the land and for transportation. The cow was very important to the Aryans, so they gave more importance to cows than the other creatures. Like you are more important to your parents than other people so they serve you more. So to respect cow is just like we respect automobile today. We care for the cars because it is a necessity. So instead of word “care”, we might use the word “prayer” or “worship.”

Hence the cow is considered a manifestation of God. It represents all the helpless animals that cannot talk. By respecting them it means we should not take advantage or harm them, but be lovable to all creatures.

Worshiping does not mean that they have become God, but that God has manifested in them. To worship a cow means to worship all the helpless ones including the sick, poor, and old. The life of a worldly person will show that he is always worshiping where he finds himself as a benefactor; it is a selfish attitude. He will worship all that he has – a house, a car, or money. To make more money some will want to study more; they will become doctors to make more money rather than to serve mankind.

There is nothing wrong in respecting or worshiping all creatures, including cows. We should really be worshiping the entire universe as the Gita teaches us. To worship means to respect, to love, and to dignify everything – including ourselves.

– Swami Radhanandaji

being a vegetarian, I could never be a butcher but I believe that anyone can be spiritual.

Answer #2

I think they are mentally ill, making them incompetent to percieve anything with meaning or feeling. If they do it is false. weird huh? yuk

Answer #3

If you talking about a butcher of Cattle and such Yes. . . . We have Scripture to support that Meat was eaten. Exo 16:3 Exo 16:8 Exo 16:12 Examples of slaughtering meat for eating. Deu 12:15 Jdg 6:19 1Sa 25:11 1Co 10:25 Gen 18:7-8 1Sa 28:24 Luk 15:23-30 Exo 12:21

Answer #4

well…I think we all know what the initial question was…he said nothing about animals. He is talking murdering people… you know ted bundy, jeffery domer, the green river killer…etc…them trying to pretend they are normal and good everyday people. do they have a real sense of sprituality? that was the question. at least I thought so please correct me ankitshivam if thats not what you were asking. And like I said. weird..weird…weird…mental illness. Self defense does not count. at least thats my opinion. In gods eyes I believe everything is based on intention. your intention for defending yourself is not initialy to harm another person, its to protect yourself or something else. Most murders are premeditated or commited with malace even if it was not pre-meditated.

Answer #5

Does self defense count? You need to seriously reconsider the concept of morality, and what it, not just yours, is based on. You should also drop any notion of a “higher being” out of thought, and see where a real original thought can get you, instead of stories made up by people so many years ago. How often can you believe what someone told you, when they repeated it 30 seconds after hearing it? Think man! Think!

Answer #6

The Jews butchered pagans all the time in the Old Testament at God’s command. I’m sure that was accounted to them as holiness.

Answer #7

Jeffery Domer - Actually Excepted Christ and was baptisted in prison before he died.

Being from India (ankitshivam ) -Read his profile- it makes since to those outside of his society since he didn’t say otherwise to believe he is speaking of a butcher who works in a meat market or Butcher shop. . . .

I for one am happy with the way the question went, I actually learned something from trickynick. . . .

Answer #8

ankitshivam - if you are talking about someone killing people… then, yes, I agree with you, it is not possible to worship God in sincerity and truth, and do that at the same time.

However, if you are referring to animals, then I agree with rneal.

Could you possibly from India, where cattle are worshiped, as deities?

Answer #9

rnealw is right about that scripture that supports that meat was eaten like fish for example was eaten:)

Answer #10

…Like the Boondock Saints?

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